yes, i shall be making plans to be in long beach on the 20th. apparently there's something called "soundwalk" which is some art-fag shit where there's like soundscapes or something in the street for 5 hours. 5 HOURS!!!!!! yeah, so anyways my brother from a different mother ugly #2 is participating as he has currently turned all "artsy" since we moved down here and i love my dude so im going to support him. but i could use some help in the form of PLAESE HANG OUT WITH ME CUZ I CANT BE AROUND ARTSY FOLKS FOR THAT LONG. yeah, so who wants to play with me? yahoo serious? funksnot? can you point out some pho shizzle or some cambodian food jernts? me so hungry
young einstein...
out of curiousity do you attend any art-nip shit ever?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the term "art fag" went out of fashion when the Dead Milkmen stopped touring in 1987. Y'all starting to grate like cheese....
keep slurs out of the house, plaese
why vacation in long beach when you live in korea town?
it does not in any way intrigue me. but if you got time to hang out and know a thing or two about a thing or two, im down. just dont bring along the gimp as i have been instructed to "keep it real" which means i cant just suck it up and be nice for an hour or so. i have to bust my "bitch moves" or suffer the wrath of a half wit. in any case im sure the dude will claim he was high or drunk or tired or cranky or malnourished or the sun was setting or the sky was blue when he posted that.
toddle loo and congrats on the impending birth.
long beach is not
but with that being said if you do not like the bergamont station crowd you will not like the longbeach thing either.
what you need is chinatown ( and that aint no play on your ethnicity ).
that is the
to each his own.
in any case, chinatown is just ok. alhambra is where it's at for the hakka sheeeit and ive heard long beach is the joint for the SE asian jammies. that is what i seek, along with supporting my dude.
my homeboy T.Sherman lives in Alhambra. It's the shit.
"buddy pass" were gonna fag out this weekend, right? with our high art.
oh, and chung king road? is that that street in chinatown that was all cool for a minute there? not sure if ive ever been.
anyways, rain check on that "art gallery" in la puente dude.
you just described my dude. well, honestly, i find his stuff interesting and original but im biased cuz if someone i didnt know did that mess id be all like .
is this buddy pass thing some kind of high joke thing? are you a joke-***? cuz i'm not getting it?
chung king road was cool in that don't comb your $100 haircut, and non matching tight clothes kind of way. (i still went)
and yes, i am a joke-*** and appreciate a *** joke here and there as long as its in jest.