Any of you guys/girls using serato 2.0 ?

axefoleyaxefoley 331 Posts
edited June 2010 in Strut Central
Wondering if the bugs have been worked out before I dl it. Thx alot!


  • Deep_SangDeep_Sang 1,081 Posts
    no problems here

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    You're good.

  • Thx doods! Used it for several hrs last night, I like the new layout.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    i dunno mangs. i've experimented on it on my lenovo and it seemed fine. however, i witnessed some 2.0 freezes/crashes while playing gigs, but they've all been on macs. be careful-- run with 1.9.whatever and 2.0 on your setup so you'll have a backup.

  • Thx, good to know. I've been using a Dell(I know I know) for the past year and had zero problems with the last version. I'm not the most computer savy cat so let me ask you-how do u keep both versions accesible? Just rename the older one?

    Thx much!

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    yeah, rename the older one. the s.erato website/forum has a pretty decent section in the FAQ on how to do it.

  • right on, thx again.

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    They have changed the way that i used to fix loops that were a bit off.

    It kinda feels uglier, too. But I suppose it has new features...

  • cove said:
    They have changed the way that i used to fix loops that were a bit off.

    It kinda feels uglier, too. But I suppose it has new features...

    what do u mean about fixing loops? i agree the layout isnt too pretty but i like how the text is bigger.

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    axefoley said:
    cove said:
    They have changed the way that i used to fix loops that were a bit off.

    It kinda feels uglier, too. But I suppose it has new features...

    what do u mean about fixing loops? i agree the layout isnt too pretty but i like how the text is bigger.

    sometimes the "one/two bar loop" is a little off, because the bpm isn't exact, i guess....

  • if you use the auto bpm (which is pretty spot on for programmed drums), the auto loops are very accurate.
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