Ebay transaction blocked?
1,836 Posts
http://cgi.ebay.com/SEALED-Private-LP-QU...=item2c54a55f99Just seen this up and tried to buy it now. It wouldn't let me and said the transaction is blocked. Then when I renewed the screen it said Auction ended with buy it now. This has never happened to me and was odd. I wonder if perhaps someone was purchasing at the exact same time as me? Has this ever happened to anyone here.
B: You got lucky, son! (Either that, or your auction compelled this flooding-of-market). Feel bad for your buyer though!
lol! Breez: you read the thread?
LOL, I did now, haha. I know, I'm an idiot.
Sure but what has compelled this massive selloff? Striking while the iron is hot?
Having a box of them and wanting to turn it into cash.
He already HAD a box. That's what Spelunk was saying. But wasn't selling off 33 copies in less than 5 days back whenever Spelunk bought his copy. Clearly, he chose RIGHT NOW to liquidate a shit load of copies. That's what I was asking - was it merely a reaction to B's sale or just a coincidence?
it's back!
LOL (again).