threw a record fair on the weekend....
3,620 Posts
thought you would enjoy these photos from it;more info and pics @
p.s. nice photos. We need one of these events in melb
but howabout some names with the faces?
Thats a raerity for the down unda scene LOL....
Wish I was there.... got to get my ass in gear and start the break bbq in Sydney again....or come crash the next one you guys do in Brissy....
Go on ya....
I usually just end up getting drunk and selling the whole day without time to go through any crates.
DJ SHEEP- It doesn't seem like there's enough days in the week for all the moves you make. My hat's off top you sir. Keep spreading the culture.
Massive My freind owns a bar in gertrude st (just off brunswick) in fitzroy, he would be down.