Soul 45- The Darling Dears (personal grail-r)

BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
edited March 2010 in Strut Central
A while ago, I put the B-side of this record on a mix for Se?or Paycheck in hopes that he might contact me should a copy ever walk through the door of his fine vinyl establishment. A lot has happened since that sunny afternoon in 2006, but it was not until this morning that I finally managed to lay my hands on a copy of this sublime soul single. Full rips of both sides below. Please download, share and enjoy.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Nice man, thanks for sharing.

    Is the Background Music by the "FUNKY HEAVY PROS"?

  • cheers, really dig this a lot!

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Great. What year is this from?

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Great. What year is this from?


  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Nice man, thanks for sharing.

    Is the Background Music by the "FUNKY HEAVY PROS"?

    Funky Heavy Prod.

    I wonder what else they might have played on?

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    Wow... both great tracks. Thanks for sharing my man!

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    No one deeper in the 45 game than the one BreakSelf. Thanks for sharing!

  • Sweet stuff, brah!

  • just recently heard this, great f*cking record, thanks for sharing, by the way how did you manage to get a copy?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    just recently heard this, great f*cking record, thanks for sharing, by the way how did you manage to get a copy?


  • So good!

    Thanks for posting 'em.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts

  • doisndoisn baleadas&pupuzas 303 Posts
    thanks, great tune!

  • Congrats for the score! Great record!

  • A while ago, I put the B-side of this record on a mix for Se?or Paycheck in hopes that he might contact me should a copy ever walk through the door of his fine vinyl establishment. A lot has happened since that sunny afternoon in 2006, but it was not until this morning that I finally managed to lay my hands on a copy of this sublime soul single. Full rips of both sides below. Please download, share and enjoy.

    this 45 is fire, i need this

  • man! it must be 12-15 years ago since i recorded this song from the Into Something radio show (cheers to Florian Keller!)

    never knew who was the artist...

    thanks a lot!

  • never heard the b-side though! thanks again...

  • that's a fantastic record and I've been after one for a while myself. Congrats!

    And in case anyone is interested, "I don't think I'll ever Love Another" is a cover adapted from a 45 recorded by Washington DC group "Rock Candy". Still boggles my mind how the DDs covered another obscure group so far away, but it seems they ran into each other on a small-time tour up north.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    just recently heard this, great f*cking record, thanks for sharing, by the way how did you manage to get a copy?

    In a trade for a Michigan garage acetate.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    just recently heard this, great f*cking record, thanks for sharing, by the way how did you manage to get a copy?

    In a trade for a Michigan garage acetate.

    You hear that Obscure_Addict??? Wherever you are...

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    just recently heard this, great f*cking record, thanks for sharing, by the way how did you manage to get a copy?

    In a trade for a Michigan garage acetate.

    You hear that Obscure_Addict??? Wherever you are...

    Haha. Burn!

    Sweet score, congrats and thanks so much for sharing. And have a great trip!

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    just recently heard this, great f*cking record, thanks for sharing, by the way how did you manage to get a copy?

    In a trade for a Michigan garage acetate.

    You hear that Obscure_Addict??? Wherever you are...

    Many, many of those were never actually released.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    this is pretty amazing. thanks for sharing

  • man! it must be 12-15 years ago since i recorded this song from the Into Something radio show (cheers to Florian Keller!)

    never knew who was the artist...

    thanks a lot!
    thanks, man! darling dears is also on my "creative musicians vol.2" comp (perfect toy rec)

    i found two copies at val shivleys maybe 10 years ago on a trip with jan weissenfeldt(he got the other one). the way the record sounds like i wouldn't be suprised if they split up right after the recording sessions, argueing about sweet vocals v/s funky heavy drums

  • i wish someone would reissue this

  • man! it must be 12-15 years ago since i recorded this song from the Into Something radio show (cheers to Florian Keller!)

    never knew who was the artist...

    thanks a lot!
    thanks, man! darling dears is also on my "creative musicians vol.2" comp (perfect toy rec)

    i found two copies at val shivleys maybe 10 years ago on a trip with jan weissenfeldt(he got the other one). the way the record sounds like i wouldn't be suprised if they split up right after the recording sessions, argueing about sweet vocals v/s funky heavy drums

    oh, so it's only 10 years ago then good to know the other copy is in Jan's hands...

    looks like i have to get myself a copy of that Creative Musicians to hear this at home.

  • pj4533pj4533 481 Posts
    Just got hipped to this 45, and Soul Strut comes thru. WOW......just wow.

    Thanks a ton.


  • double-up
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