god of war 3 [ps3-r]
4,538 Posts
not being a huge game nerd, but having had enough fun with the previous installments, i copped today. so far, its much the same.... which is a good thing.dude has mad daddy issues though.the rip torn cameo was pretty funny as well.thoughts?
no hijack
got pushed back to May
heavy rain is a good stop gap game. excellent for interim playing purposes.
i played 1 and it was the most fun ive had playing a game since i stood outside the corner store stacking coins on the screen of a streetfighter 2 arcade machine.
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I didnt know it was connected to Greek Mythology like that.
This should do until Red Dead Redemption.
I haven't had a new gamesystem since forever but I'm gonna get an xbox and an arcade stick when this comes out. SF4 is just too much fun.
Played GOW2 when it came out and it was really good. It's not in the cards for me to get a PS3 now, but I'd be hype for the third one definitely.
serious on my part.......
All i'd want from that package is the Dominus Skin. Maybe the Combat Arenas.
Errythang else is extraneous.
I copped last night and got as far as Hades. Shit is fun.