High School Reunion?
2,189 Posts
did you go to yours? I was just sent the invite and I was thinking"all the people that i was legitimately friends with and still am friends with I see on a regular basis..."plus most of them I think i didn't accept their Facebook requests
If you loved HS I could see where it might be fun, but not for me.
This exactly what Facebook is for--to satisfy whatever mild curiosity you might have about what happened to these people without having to actually interact with them.
From what I can tell, everyone I went to HS with pretty much turned into their parents.
And the majority of them will eventually be divorced. I wouldn't sweat it.
I have a pretty good feeling that the people I would be really happy or into seeing would not be there anyhow.
but you never know, you might be pleasantly surprised with where some people are at.
"oh, you say you are a stewardess and can get heavily discounted tickets?"
Didn't you just get engaged?
Really though, I had a blast at my reunion this past August.
Ha! Yes. Yes, I did. However, I believe the divorce rate is much higher among couples who get married in their teens/early 20s.
how the hell does that happen???
if it's an all-guys school, where does the 1 girl come from?
...and if it's not all-guys, how can there be ONLY 1 girl?? even if there were only 6 people in your class, that's still a crazy ratio...
(not actually high school but swedish gymnasium, wich is more or less equivalent)
there were other girls there of course but not in the film orientation...
It was cool catching up with my old friends/associates. Good experience overall.
So yeah, I recommend going.