All Encompassing GOP Shitshow Thread
4,922 Posts
Just dump it all here... Sessions, Beck, Palin, Limbaugh, whatever.Left to their own devices, we get like 5 threads a day. I stand by what I said today: F*ck 'em all.
I just want to be clear.
Everyday, we get some other asshole telling me I'm not a real American, or acting like a biggot. When that stops from that party, I'll listen to their viewpoints. When they actually start believing in fiscal conservativism- and not just using it politically as a rallying cry- I'll listen.
But until then, dump their daily, racist, biggoted ramblings here.
The liberal zombies are coming to get you. Back into your bunker with your Rush and your guns, and your Fun-Yuns and your 'Don't Tread On Me' underoos and you'll be safe from being force fed the liberal propaganda.
We salute you hero of freedom and wonderfulness!