netbooks NRR

alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
edited July 2009 in Strut Central
anyone got experience with these? what would u recommend?upon news that google is pushing the front for an operating system that will support this has me thinking i should wait before getting one?im ignorant in regards to these machines. so they are a level lower than laptops? can i do word processing on them? can u watch video/youtube on them without serious lag? is photoshop out of the question on these? can u listen to music on them while browsing? comparing the price points on net books vs laptops has me wondering these things. i have no clue on the processing power on logic tells me i should spend more towards a decent new desktop computer and get a netbook for when im just in a coffee shop wanting to browse the web, as opposed to dropping coin on a stacked laptop. am i better off with a smart phone for these situations? whats your take? thanks in advance


  • Wordprocessing - Yes
    Video/Youtube - Yes, but depending on the resolution of the video, you might be troubled.
    Photoshop - No, You can get away with it but I wouldn't want to deal with that lag just to edit some pictures on a netbook (memory upgrades might help some) The main problem is the resolution on these machines is too small to really work with photoshop

    I think netbooks are great if you do a lot of your work on the net, i.e. google docs, etc...

    If you can find a cheap one, i'd go for it.
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