how do you like my comp cover?
2,379 Posts
Not sure about the layout yet... Def want to stick with the picture, not too sure about fonts and lightning...
It's horrible.
I had tried various different costumes on the (Nigerian) model and all others were much more "disco"... I ended up chosing this dress because it fir her best and I also loved the contrast against the sky (shot on a roof deck).
The boots belonged to a professional jockey and part time dancer. When you look at Nigerian Disco and Funk records, most musicians had serious love for platform boots.
I've tried many other fonts before, most of them leaner but prefer these so far because they are bold but also dynamic and not clumsy...
I'll continue trying out some more fonts.
Lose the sky, lose the record she's standing on and the text. Maybe even the girl? I don't know, she's a cutie pie but she's expressionless. At least with an authentic photo like this from the era there is some intensity in the facial expression but she's not really bringing any power to the image, she looks a little dead.
I know your tracks are gonna be killer so you can't let a cover bring you down.
Needs to have flavor like the music undoubtedly will have.
It's not THAT bad, but knowing the kind of stuff I've heard from you in the past, it doesn't seem like the design is meeting the same standard of excellence as the music will be.
Looking forward to hearing this regardless Frank..
I wasn't too sure about the whole thing myself after having worked on this for a while. Maybe the positive feedback I got from people I showed this to was just them being friendly...
Perhaps you guys are right and I should considder ditching the picture.
that said, it'll make little difference to me, i'll judge the quality of a compilation 90% on music quality and 10% on a front cover design.
... and the flames, and all the other stuff that is kind of just an artiface. The model looks stiff and due to the angle of the shot her fist, a sign of strength and power, looks small and effete. Also, the entire left quarter of the photo is kind of a weird no-mans-land. Just shifting everything over a little bit might be a start. But really she should be photographed at a disco, dancing to your records.
Someone already brought it up, but I'm sure you've found, or have access to, 1000s of dusty vintage photos from back in the day. Its sort of cliche at this point but I still think putting those for covers still does the trick.
I also personally like less words. Maybe that subtitle can go on a sticker over the LP shrink, or on the back?
the girl is very go-go, ye-ye-ye in a 90's dee-lite way and i know you're not going for that.
you are an authority on these finds, i would just tap into the simplicity and beauty of the records that you know so well and let that inspire you instead.
Good luck with it Frank.
yep. for really awesome compilation cover art that doesn't come across as "cheesy", see that Si Para Usted Vol. 2 thread. Keep everything relevant, not just the model's shoes. Really looking forward to the comp-knock the whole project out of the park.
I'd much rather go for the "90s euro-raver style"...
This failed design was probably due to the fact that since ever I bought a bunch of Funk comps when first getting into the genre sometime in the mid-90s I've not purchased any comps (or other current releases) and am properly disconnected from any contemporary designs... a fact that I don't regret at all.
I like the idea of sampling OG designs from various old covers and trying to come up with something nice.
I have thought about using my African store sign paintings but those are all made after Highlife and Afrobeat records from the early/mid 70s. The late 70s/early 80s Nigerian Disco stuff has a totally different style. Actually pretty much every record looks different and the printing quality and design all in all wouldn't translate into anything that would look nice if re-done, especially not on CD-size... but still, there are some cool designs and some nice photographs that I should be able to re-arrange into something.
Thanx again for all of your input!
Also, I think if you're going to put a record in there, at least show the label, or part of it. From a quick glance it almost looks like she's standing on some sort of rubber tire.
Copy-wise, I would make it more concise by omitting "12 Blistering Tracks From" and just use "The Golden Age of ...." ..Get rid of the excess. People want more copy in the liner notes, not on the cover (in my opinion).
I agree, you need to lose the sky. Contrasting flames with blue sky and clouds is NAGL.
Oh, and why is the model holding her hand up like that? Black Power?
Lastly, think about using two typefaces here, not one. Make sure they contrast but still compliment each other.
I could easily point out a few dozen African records with band photographs where people hold up their fist. Probably the most popular pose althrough the 70s.
Go for it then. Just don't expect people who'll see it in a shop to pick it up and buy it.
Looking forward to hearing the music - regardless of packaging.
I second that. That is such a f*cking great photo.