Saw Bubbles' sponsor fromthe Wire today..

fountain16fountain16 93 Posts
edited June 2009 in Strut Central
Steve Earle..I was pumping gas today around 3 pm in the Loop here in STL when i looked up and saw him amble on by on the sidewalk. It was weird. I didn't really want to yell "'s Steve Earl!!" and look like an idiot. I went on to Vintage Vinyl to pick up some records and asked if he was playing in town tonight, and found out he is playing at the Pagernt right down the street. Not a huge fan of his music..but liked him on the show. I would have asked him if he's doing any more acting in the future.


  • I dig some of his music; other stuff not so much.... But, I respect the hell out of that guy. Dude is a SURVIVOR in the realest sense.

  • He's playing a free show in the suburbs here this summer. Planning to attend.

  • "hometown blues," is my jam.
    "The revolution starts now," will always remind me of the shitty malaise of the Bush years.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    not to threadjack, but the dude that plays ziggy lives in my neighborhood, and i see him all the time. he's suffering from seriously bad case of doucheism.

  • LATTE PASS. I never put it together that dude singin' the 5th season theme song was dude leadin' Bubs towards the light.

    Now that I've fiiiiinally (late pass #2) finished all five seasons, I've started reading about the show and the cast online. Didn't want to come across any spoilers.

    Check out your boy Omar at 2:09

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I went and saw the David Mamet play Romance at the A.R.T. a few weeks
    ago, and imagine my surprise when the curtain went up and there stood:

  • That's crazy, I had no idea the sponsor was Steve Earle.
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