Oh My (Fmylife-R)

ronaldraygunronaldraygun 46 Posts
edited June 2009 in Strut Central
probably a fmylife "today my girlfriend talked me into tanning in a tanning bed for the first time ever. i have never tanned before and didnt know you were supposed to ease into it. i tanned for 15 minutes in the "super bed" and have lobstered. my ass and balls got the worst of it""today we spread my uncles ashes at my grandparents house. we were on a hill overlooking a sunset. it was a beautiful ceremony... untill the winds changed direction. our whole family wound up covered in my uncle. hes still stuck in my hair"


  • god damn! This is funny stuf.

    Today, I was talking to my only grandson about how I was going to the dentist to get my teeth fixed and how it was going to cost a lot of money, he replied saying "Who cares, you're going to die soon anyways". FML

    Today, a car floated slowly into my lane from the left with no signal. She gazed at the right turn like it was going to kiss her. "What the F*ck, lady?" I shouted, slamming on my brakes. Two seconds later I hear a tiny voice in my back seat, "What fut, YADY?!" My 22 month old son's first full sentence. FML

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    My 4 year old daughter made this snap up on her own last week...

    "Your hair is so red, you use ketchup for conditioner."

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    good stuff.

  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    "Today, we spread my uncle's ashes at my grandparent's house. We were on a hill overlooking a sunset. It was a beautiful ceremony... until the winds changed direction. Our whole family wound up covered in my Uncle. He's still stuck in my hair. FML"

    kinda reminds me of....

  • pacmanpacman 1,114 Posts
    Late pass.

    That site is chock-full'o-goodness.

  • Today, I had sex with this guy i really like for the first time. After, we were laying in bed listening to music. When the song finished he leaned over and said, "You know what you and that song have in common?" I smiled and said, "What?" He replied with, "You just got played, get out of my bed." FML
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