Rewatching The Dark Knight

kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
edited June 2009 in Strut Central
And, this movie might be the greatest mix between high and low I've ever seen.Heath Ledger and Michael Caine turn in epic performances, imo. Both are EXCEPTIONAL. Bale is even good as Bruce Wayne.But, jesus christ... the storytelling is terrible. As my wife keeps asking, "Wait... what's happening?" I am realizing how bad some of the leaps in the story are. This is a really good looking, well acted, kind of BAD movie.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Best Superhero movie yet. Only Iron Man is on its level for not takin itself so seriously.

    After Heath's Joker, I really fear they wont be able to top that shit.

    I like Gyllenthal's performance as well.

    But yeah, its ALL over the place, plus the narrative ending is mad suspect.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    One year removed, "Iron Man," sons this schitt. That final fight in "Iron Man," is really bad, but aside from that, the movie itself is MUCH better made.

    I think what I'm trying to say is:

    Ledger = GREAT
    Caine = Great

    Christopher Nolan = Bad

  • discos_almadiscos_alma discos_alma 2,164 Posts
    Best Superhero movie yet. Only Iron Man is on its level for not takin itself so seriously.

    After Heath's Joker, I really fear they wont be able to top that shit.

    I like Gyllenthal's performance as well.

    But yeah, its ALL over the place, plus the narrative ending is mad suspect.

    Wow, I was expecting a "BAN"

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    One year removed, "Iron Man," sons this schitt. That final fight in "Iron Man," is really bad, but aside from that, the movie itself is MUCH better made.

    Marvel/Iron Man is on some kid friendly shit but paced the movie like a real comic book.

    Batman attempted to get all deep and shit and wasnt kid friendly at all.

    Both learned the lesson from Spider-Man and kept the Lovestory minimal.

    Two diff directions from two diff universes. I can pop in Iron Man - Batman I have to kinda be prepared for all the psycho-gangsta-pulp shit.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    One year removed, "Iron Man," sons this schitt. That final fight in "Iron Man," is really bad, but aside from that, the movie itself is MUCH better made.

    Marvel/Iron Man is on some kid friendly shit but paced the movie like a real comic book.

    Batman attempted to get all deep and shit and wasnt kid friendly at all.

    Both learned the lesson from Spider-Man and kept the Lovestory minimal.

    Two diff directions from two diff universes. I can pop in Iron Man - Batman I have to kinda be prepared for all the psycho-gangsta-pulp shit.

    This is fair, and I agree that Iron Man is more kid friendly- the Voice Over action in the final fight is evidence of that, and what I hate. And, to be fair, there are FAR more comic-book type elements to Dark Knight a year out. Last year, it seemed alllllll dark, where as now, I can see more of the fantastic elements.

    I guess it is truly the writing/storytelling I have a problem with. The leaps in the plot, the dangling threads- literally, in the case of the Joker at the end- the fact that we were 1:35 into the movie, and Harvey Dent was still... Harvey Dent, and not Two Face.

    The storytelling is just lacking, imo.

    The acting, on the other hand, is great.

  • Shit. Heath Ledger is extraordinary. The rest is shit.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I guess it is truly the writing/storytelling I have a problem with. The leaps in the plot, the dangling threads- literally, in the case of the Joker at the end- the fact that we were 1:35 into the movie, and Harvey Dent was still... Harvey Dent, and not Two Face.

    Imagine how much more mixed up the story would have been if Two Face appeared within the first hour?

    On the real - the movie was The Joker featuring some other people.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts

    On the real - the movie was The Joker featuring some other people.

    Guess this is what I'm dancing around.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Made no sense to get up to Two-Face to have him "die" that quickly...IMO.

    Geek Shit - where the hell is a Red-headed Barbara Gordon?
    I think there's a glimpse of a Gordon daughter, but why is she ommitted?

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    Gordon is one of the most mishandled part of that movie.

    He's there.
    He's mad.
    He's Dad.
    His wife in slow-mo...
    He's BACK!

    Watching my wife watch the movie for the first time is an eye opener. She's confused at half the movie; the other half has the Joker, and she's watching that with her hands over her eyes half the time.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I give them props though cause they had me convinced that Gordon was dead.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    i think people wayyy overstate the problems w/ the movie. what part exactly was so hard to understand?

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    one more flick and nolan is out, so i don't think he was too interested in keeping 2face around. just using him as a symbol for a man corrupted, moreso than using the character. who knows, he could pop up in the next flick ala scarecrow.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    one more flick and nolan is out, so i don't think he was too interested in keeping 2face around. just using him as a symbol for a man corrupted, moreso than using the character. who knows, he could pop up in the next flick ala scarecrow.

    I took/read Two Face as the third Duality character.

    Dark Knight/Bruce Wayne leaving it behind.
    Joker total embodiment.
    Two-Face/Dent embracement.

  • SelinaKyle83SelinaKyle83 1,042 Posts
    GORDON = GARY OLDMAN = THE ISH!! Owwwwwwwwww!!

  • minneapminneap 541 Posts
    I actually just rewatched it earlier today, and while I can't say it was any harder to follow I didn't enjoy it as much. Maybe because I was hungover with a little sister and friend making videos or some shit but whatever.

  • Maybe I just flat out suck..but I went because all of the hoopla surrounding it and found it "alright"..nothing great. If it was HBO and i'd never seen, i'd turn the channel. And I loevd Burton's bat mon

    Shit was boring, honestly.?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    The movie had two really great action sequences - the opening bank robbery and the car chase at 2/3rds. I think the acting was notably better all around than the first film, though I still can't stand Bale's "Batman voice."

    But seriously, it's all about Heath Ledger. Sans his Joker and this film becomes "ok." With him - and what he brings to a notably dark, dark script - and this film suddenly feels incredible despite all the flaws people have rightfully pointed out.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I enjoyed it because it was dark, dark dark.

    The voice doesn't bother me much. At least it addresses the
    always suspect point of a well-known public figure speaking
    to the mayor with a cowl on and nobody saying "HEY THAT'S BRUCE WAYNE"

    The end of this movie sucked. I definitely had a "WHA HAPPEN" at the finale.

  • youngEINSTEINyoungEINSTEIN 2,443 Posts
    i was lucky enough to see this movie in IMAX and the opening scene blew my face off. i will have to watch on dvd again and report back.
    peace, stein. . .

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Yeah funnily enough add me to the people who watched this again recently. I noticed far more acutely this time that the first hour of the film really drags in places, it then picks up momentum before kind of losing it all in the ending.

    Acting is great throughout though everytime I see Bale as Batman his throaty lisp is getting closer and closer to a deal breaker for me.

    I see it as a brave attempt to do something extraordinary complicated with a superhero movie that almost comes off but falls just short.

    Doesn't stop it being one of the films of the year anyway.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    i think people wayyy overstate the goodness w/ the movie.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    two other thoughts:

    - It is impossible to overstate Ledger's performance in this movie. When he grabs Two-Face's gun, puts it to his forehead, and says, "Now we're talking..." Jesus. He deserved the statue he got.

    - Does Luscious Fox come back for number 3?

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    I haven't rewatched yet - but as far as I'm concerned, no movie could've lived up to the hype this received.

    I thought Bale was irritating, and while Ledger delivered the hype over his performance was just WAY TOO f*cking LARGE for any man to measure up to.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    I haven't rewatched yet - but as far as I'm concerned, no movie could've lived up to the hype this received.

    I thought Bale was irritating, and while Ledger delivered the hype over his performance was just WAY TOO f*cking LARGE for any man to measure up to.

    Word. I doubt he would have won an oscar if he hadnt died. Bale's clint eastwood voice as batman was comedy gold!

    Also i didnt think it was that dark. There were bits that could have been more violent/darker but it was mad soff so they could get a 12 rating.

    Also friends hyped it up something stupid so that didnt help for me either.

  • Lucious_FoxLucious_Fox 2,479 Posts
    I haven't rewatched yet - but as far as I'm concerned, no movie could've lived up to the hype this received.

    I thought Bale was irritating, and while Ledger delivered the hype over his performance was just WAY TOO f*cking LARGE for any man to measure up to.

    Word. I doubt he would have won an oscar if he hadnt died. Bale's clint eastwood voice as batman was comedy gold!

    Also i didnt think it was that dark. There were bits that could have been more violent/darker but it was mad soff so they could get a 12 rating.

    Also friends hyped it up something stupid so that didnt help for me either.

    Holding kids hostage is mad soft.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    great movie & u all are some fronting faux kaels :-D

  • the opening bank robbery
    this was inspired by the bank robbery scene in the movie heat, both excellent scenes in excellent movies.

  • SelinaKyle83SelinaKyle83 1,042 Posts
    great movie & u all are some fronting faux kaels :-D

  • DustedDonDustedDon 830 Posts
    why does everyone say this version of batman was so "dark" i just don't see it outside of ledger. the first burton batman was far more demented, schizo and and "dark" IMO.
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