Who needs diversity when you've got Photoshop?
623 Posts
City of Toronto digitally adds black guy to Fun Guide cover to make it more ???inclusive???http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs...-inclusive.aspx The move was in accordance with a policy dated April 11, 2008, signed by former city manager Shirley Hoy directing staff to ensure the true kaleidoscope of Toronto residents is represented in all its communications materials."The policy doesn't say PhotoShop, the policy says 'show diversity' and that's of course what we try and do because we want all of our publications to reflect the community that we serve," explained Mr. Sack, who oversees city communications. "That's only fair. People should see themselves reflected in city services because it's everyone who uses them."
there goes the neighborhood....
They also made it look like he was leering at the woman.
And who did the Photoshop job? You could not have evened out the guy???s complexion? Yeesh.
Plus the black guy is right above "learn to swim...it's worth a try".
peace, stein. . .
I thought it read like an Onion piece. Oh wait.
I have no idea, but I read it on the internet, so it must be true.
This isn't that new - college websites, for example, have done the same thing. The Onion's article is barely a parody - that sort of thing really does happen...I think more out of laziness than anything else.
*photography joke*
Even THAT is a better photoshop job.
Toronto needs more Pearson.
Maybe or Faux. Make it happen!
Plus who did they pay to do the photoshop? They got ripped off
Hey Graf,
I was gonna mention of the University of Wisconsin-Madison "scandal." They photoshopped the brotha in the picture at the game, when in fact, he was across campus at another event. Cats are tryin' too hard and you know what that means...they're (or the diversity in this case) isn't real. At least Rutgers's student body (not the faculty) is truly diverse, which is why I left rednecky-ass Milwaukee.
Big Stacks from Kakalak