
axefoleyaxefoley 331 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
Heading down to philly on sunday june 7th for an early gig at the piazza and I'm wondering if anyone is djing or can recommend something fun to do that night? I'm sure there's gotta be some old posts about record spots but if anyone could recommend the best spot to hit that would be much appreciated.. We've only got a couple hours to spare on that following monday morning before we head out, so if u were to pick one "must hit" store which would it be?Thanks alot for any info...If anybody in the area is looking for something to do on sunday eve myself and my dj partner are doing an improvised score to "metropolis"@730pm-it's free and it should be fun.Thx!


  • beautiful world in south philly for the time restricted? yay or nay?


  • beautiful world in south philly.


    analog sol at 5th and dickinson, also south philly.

    people are talking a lot about tequila sunrise on girard but i've never been there, and i think it might be less for the digger and more for the dabbler.

    also philadelphia record exchange at 5th and south.

    1st post holla.

  • ^
    awesome first post.

    not too many replies there axe, it's the city of brotherly (and sisterly) fiendish gripping!

    so in that spirit i would cosine and suggest beautiful world in south philly too, they have a mixture of everything, fair to cheap in price and lots of new stuff always flowing in. have fun and get margaritas at cantina afterward, you can sit outside.


    also down the block from there, if you like pizza and old tymey vibes, you can go where i went every friday evening of my entire childhood during sixers season before games with the fam, marra's pizzeria.

  • Thank u both! I realize my low post count and only knowing a few peeps on here will determine responses , which is all good.

    I'm not looking to blow spots, just one or two good stores I could hit in a short time frame.
    Again much appreciated info.

  • none of these are hard to find or couldnt be found with some easy google-fu, so no spots are blown.

    glad to help out though.

    And Marra's is f*cking amazing.

  • Tequila Sunrise is best for new stuff and reissues --and for these it is indispensable, hands-down the best and widest selection in town. And Tony is a really nice guy.

  • Also... I'd skip Analog Sol. No hours posted, nobody there all three times I've visited. Waste of time.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Philadelphia Record Exchange is a wasteland.

    Dead vinyls have been rotting in the bins for years.

    Overheard the shopkeep lamenting on the phone about how the owner had to basically liquidate his collection just to keep the doors open last time I was in there.

    I'd pass if you're short on time.

  • ^ That's sad to hear, it was once a great, great shop.

  • I now have a fully organized space full of records. It's in an old Victorian house where I don't live, so I'm just doing appointments. Roughly five thousand lps & 12"s and as many 45s, with new records added a couple times per week. No crap.

    PM me for an appointment.

  • Also, Axefoley, if you can make it down the day before there's a brand new record fair on Saturday in Cherry Hill, NJ --which, really, is just a suburb of Philly.

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts
    imma hit that up and get over on the one Gurney!

    just kidding, but i would love to stop by next time i'm in town though who knows when that will be.

  • I now have a fully organized space full of records. It's in an old Victorian house where I don't live, so I'm just doing appointments. Roughly five thousand lps & 12"s and as many 45s, with new records added a couple times per week. No crap.

    PM me for an appointment.

    damn, record store on my block!??!
    mark, does the cherry hill show sound promising to you? theres some other shows being planned in town

  • I now have a fully organized space full of records. It's in an old Victorian house where I don't live, so I'm just doing appointments. Roughly five thousand lps & 12"s and as many 45s, with new records added a couple times per week. No crap.

    PM me for an appointment.

    damn, record store on my block!??!
    mark, does the cherry hill show sound promising to you? theres some other shows being planned in town

    Don't know anything about the Cherry Hill --I'm going. Hope!

    Record store NOT on your block. I've moved (I'll be moving all month). Foreclosure on my building, landlord hasn't shown her head in a couple months, worrisome... so I'm off to 45th & Pine.

    Are you signed up for the July 11th Philly show at the ICA? We still have room, and it's gonna be a great show.

  • wow...the real estate bubble popping here too!!
    does the landlord not showing up mean you dont have to pay rent??

    im signed up for ICA...looking forward to that...should be fun
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