Anyone Use Email Mgmt. Service? *DELETED*

DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
Post deleted by DeeRock


  • SaracenusSaracenus 671 Posts

    Are you trying to buy in on someone else's customer list or do you have your own list of emails that you want to manage through someone's service?

    My wife's company uses the latter option with their service. They get customers to opt in to the list and its taken 2 years for her to build it.

    In any case the main advantage of her service is their ability to track the effectiveness of an email campaign and have ready made templates (customizable) for their newsletter/emails.

    If you don't need those two things, and you are willing to put a little work in up front (creating a set of email templates), you can run your own list by using Google or Yahoo groups. You just set it for owner messaging only (newsletter mode). It's free but not as easy to use as a pay service.

    Good Luck.

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    We use them where I work and they have really cracked down in recent months. They put a hold on our account for a list review. If you get more than 1 spam report per thousand your list might get dropped. (Which is tough because all the main email programs have a spam button, which people now use instead of unsubscribe.) Really it is because they have to maintain a good relationship with email providers so that their emails go through. If they have a problem area like 'djs' who end up with higher than average spam rates they will deny service to that group.

    Give Savicom a try, I am thinking about switching back to them. You need to give them more info upfront to get started, but they don't hassle you as much after that. At least they didn't when we used them in the past.

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    Cool, I will look into these other options!
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