Munich Strutteurs

disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
edited May 2009 in Strut Central
Any chance I see one of you at the Boogoos concert tomorrow (Saturday) night, 10 p.m. at the Atomic Caf??. I'll be there definitely. Would be great to see you there, especially because we missed us at the Quantic gig.


  • doisndoisn baleadas&pupuzas 303 Posts
    damn, that??s cool, didn??t know! been to the JB`s yesterday there, but don??t know if i can make it on saturday, but def. will peep the SoulJazz Orchestra on Tuesday!!!!

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." 1,416 Posts
    , please post it earlier next time. I had no clue that they are playing tomorrow, therefore I had no chance to check out a place to sleep.
    Travelling to Munich always takes for me some preparations and efforts.
    But I'm sure it would be worth it.

  • Options
    "Bubbles" is my shit.

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    please post it earlier next time. I had no clue that they are playing tomorrow, therefore I had no chance to check out a place to sleep.
    Travelling to Munich always takes for me some preparations and efforts.
    But I'm sure it would be worth it.

    Sorry, I heard it a week ago and then totally forgot about it. If it's only problems of accommodation that keep you from can sleep at our place. (Bring some fr??nkisches Landbier!!!)

    damn, that??s cool, didn??t know! been to the JB`s yesterday there, but don??t know if i can make it on saturday, but def. will peep the SoulJazz Orchestra on Tuesday!!!!

    OMG SoulJazz Orch. on Tuesday. I can't afford to go to so many concerts. Has anybody been to the Qualitons from Budapest last Friday at the Glockenbachwerkstatt? It was fun.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    whoever you are and wherever you are, drink one of these for me! Hands down the best beer I've ever had

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    Had one yesterday, will have more today. Practically there is no other beer drunken in Munich.

    This one has caught up a little and it's not bad either:

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." 1,416 Posts
    please post it earlier next time. I had no clue that they are playing tomorrow, therefore I had no chance to check out a place to sleep.
    Travelling to Munich always takes for me some preparations and efforts.
    But I'm sure it would be worth it.

    Sorry, I heard it a week ago and then totally forgot about it. If it's only problems of accommodation that keep you from can sleep at our place. (Bring some fr??nkisches Landbier!!!)

    Che, thanks for the offer, it's highly appreciated. But unfortunatly I doubt I can make it. It's always a hustle to come to Munich because I don't have a car.
    To take the train is no option either, it takes much too long and it's a bit too expensive for me at the moment. Furthermore I fear the hangover the next day, which would result in another day lost which I abolutly can't afford because of all that work for university.
    But there is still the small chance that I can convince my brother to rush to munich by car, watch the show and rush home.

    But I'm sure I'll come back to your offer one day.

  • finelikewinefinelikewine "ONCE UPON A TIME, I HAD A VINYL." 1,416 Posts

    whoever you are and wherever you are, drink one of these for me! Hands down the best beer I've ever had

    An interesting fact is, that this company never did any kind of advertisment in ther whole history and their products just sell by the strength of quality.

  • cadeauxcadeaux 208 Posts
    No. 2

    Now lets get down to the Nitty Gritty:
    I??ll be celebrating my Birthday ( already in April) on Wednesday Night, we??ll be partying at Zerwirk Restaurant on Top of Zerwirk. There will be an open Kitchen where my Friends and I gonna feed evrybody, and any Strutter is invited. Che, Doisn, Finelikewine, Milliondollars, I??m counting on you. Bringin Records is appreciated. We start at 9am, Florian Keller and the rest of the Gang start to play at 11 am in the Clurb.
    And this time, reveal yourself!

    Yo Day, ther will be always enuff Cold Hell for you in Munich! Come by.

    and for the Record:
    Tegernseer is a nice brew, wich we call the "Munich Weekend Beer" because Tegernsee is a Lake close to Munich, where you go on Sunday, sit by the Lake next to this Cloister Brewery. Awesome.

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    Yo Cadeaux,

    thanks for the invitation. Cooking and records is THEE combination of things I like most in life. So I would be most happy to come. Unfortunately I'll be working late shift that night till 12 pm with a good chance to get away a little earlier. Is it still worth it to bring some records that late (and will there be any food left????) or are y'all moving to the main floor from 11 pm on?

    BTW, do you have any ties with Zerwirk because you're celebrating there? My girlfriend works there once a week so perhaps there is a chance we already met.

  • cadeauxcadeaux 208 Posts
    Food all Night till nothing left but Girls underwear.
    Both, Restaurant and Club are open all night.
    Be there!

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts

    I'll be coming with a full 45 box and an empty stomach.

  • doisndoisn baleadas&pupuzas 303 Posts
    thx cadeaux, really appreciated!!! gotta check if the MD limousine is going to roll with me. thing is i gotta get up 4:30 the next day, but hey? looking forward...

    well, for the beers, no compromisses with me, it??s all about Augustiner in Minga!

  • willie_fugalwillie_fugal 1,862 Posts
    We start at 9am, Florian Keller and the rest of the Gang start to play at 11 am in the Clurb.

    damn, y'all get it in early.

    nothing left but Girls underwear

    a good start, but step your game up son!

    also, Augustinerbrau is that shit. i spent my whole 8th grade year living in Munich, which was when I started drinking for the first time. It was both great and terrible drinking Augustiner as my first beer. Great because what an amazing introduction to the wonderful world of beer. Terrible because when I returned to the US in 9th grade I was drinking Natty Light (Bud Light if we were splurging). I think it was doubly worse for me having already tasted the fruit at the top of the vine.

    Also, the Augustiner biergarten was my favorite. Which one do you Muencheners ride for?

  • cadeauxcadeaux 208 Posts
    We start at 9am, Florian Keller and the rest of the Gang start to play at 11 am in the Clurb.

    damn, y'all get it in early.

    nothing left but Girls underwear

    a good start, but step your game up son!

    also, Augustinerbrau is that shit. i spent my whole 8th grade year living in Munich, which was when I started drinking for the first time. It was both great and terrible drinking Augustiner as my first beer. Great because what an amazing introduction to the wonderful world of beer. Terrible because when I returned to the US in 9th grade I was drinking Natty Light (Bud Light if we were splurging). I think it was doubly worse for me having already tasted the fruit at the top of the vine.

    Also, the Augustiner biergarten was my favorite. Which one do you Muencheners ride for?

    Where do you live now? I know a Spot in NY that sells teh Hell...
    Took Amir there, it??s right around the Corner from A-one.

    My Beergardens:
    Augustiner, sure best Steckerlfisch.
    Chinesischer Turm
    Hofbr??ukeller up in Haidhausen, this is where I hang out this Summer because they have a Child care... they take care of your Kids, so you can drink Beer! it??s a free service! I LOVE MUNICH!

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    I'm with the Biergarten im Augustinerkeller because they have the best beer and it comes from the Holzfassl (wooden barrel) and it's right at my working place so 5 min after I quit my shift I can have the first Mass in my hands.
    Mentioned Hofbr??ugarten is a little more cosy than Augustiner and it's closer to where I live and the Biergarten in the Hofbr??uhaus Yard isn't bad either. Perfect for a Sunday morning Weisswurst. (I guess that's what I'll have right now.)

    Concert was great yesterday "Theme de Yoyo" was putting a big big smile on my face plus my girlfriend got the Boogoos 12" for free.

    Oh, Atomic Caf?? sells these awful Augustiner 0,33 clubsized bottles for 3 ???!!! First time I had on of these baby bottles in my hands and it stinks to see that Augustiner has given in to produce this uselessness.

    I was thinking about switching to Beck's for protest but there is no reason to punish oneself.

    Oh well, it's a sunny day, Weisswurst is waiting and after that we're off to the lakes and mountains. Though I'm constantly hating on Munich, It's great to be here.

  • cadeauxcadeaux 208 Posts
    It's great to be here.


    went South of Munich, by the river, Kids were playing, we did the BBq thang. Sun was out and you could see the Mountains like the were build on your Doormat.

    Maybe it??s cause I??m born here.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    It's great to be here.


    went South of Munich, by the river, Kids were playing, we did the BBq thang. Sun was out and you could see the Mountains like the were build on your Doormat.

    Maybe it??s cause I??m born here.

    No, I also love it. Need to come by again and we drink a schnitt or two...

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    So Cadeaux, thanks again for the party. The food was spectacular. Especially that pork belly in chocolate sauce will be remembered.
    Pity I wasn't able to keep up with y'all in the clurb later on. Too tired from work. I hope you had some more fun till the early morning.
    I'm still keen on that 1st prize boombox but can't poker though!

  • cadeauxcadeaux 208 Posts
    Damn that was mad Fun.
    thanks for dropping by. PM me your digits.
    I??m still trippin, trying to catch up sleep.
    I??ll be posting Photos as soon as possible.

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts
    PM just landed.
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