unusually good dj requests

friday night:girl: "do you have any latin funk?"me: "I think I might..."girl: "like what?"me: "how about some Ray Barretto?"girl: "that'll do" ( disappears onto dancefloor)later a different cute girl requested "Date With the Rain"!!!

The Staton wasn't so shocking, because her best-of that came out a few years back was promoted heavily, for a reissue...but Ella Washington?
That makes up for a totally unrelated girl who - that same night - pleaded with us to "mix the old with the new and play something current" (i.e., stop playing that old soul shit and put on some Black-Eyed Peas).
So he says "don't worry, I'll go get it", and we said "OK buddy whatever", not really believing him, moving on with our set. He disappears for half an hour after which he returns with a minty copy of the "Melody Of Life" LP. He'd driven home by car to get it (dude must have been the only sober person in the house). We thought that was pretty damn cool, so we played it twice and everybody was feeling it.
this one time these chicks (in LA they travel in a minimum of 2) came up and asked me to play "northern soul". being that i still have no idea what that is i was like "uh, i am playing it." and 1 of the chicks was like "no youre not." and so im like "ok give me a name" and she's like "you know, like stuff dj so-and-so from england plays" and i was like "who?" and then they stormed off.
As if you have been playing Gregorian chants or Throbbing Gristle for the past hour!
Find that girl again and marry her!!!
"do you have any Black Sheep?"
One of the few rap records I had on me was Strobelight Honey.
"no i mean like classic Black Sheep."
Then I got:
"do you have any other classic hip hop?"
"like what?"
"Ugly Duckling."
"Nope don't have any of that with me."
Then I got:
"How bout some Bob Marley?"
Most other good requests usually come from regulars or friends who want to hear their fave song that they know you have so those shouldn't count.
The Meters Just Kissed My Baby
Oh My God ATCQ
Dj Krush Final Home'
Pharaoh Monch Simon Says
Mos Def Hard Margin
Lord Finesse Baby you nasty
Gangstarr Code of the streets
Chakara Jungle Strut
Bamboos Tighten Up
Cloud One's Atmosphere Strut
are just some of the request i remember not so much for the request, more for the requestor
I had a really cute girl request this once, too. I was smitten right then and there.
Getting a great request like that can totally make my night.
You know it's true.
My favorite request came on-air when this 15 year-old kid called my homegirl's show every week for a month straight, high as f**k, requesting the Chi-Lites "Stoned Outta My Mind".
Not the same thing, but I have now lost track how many times people have asked if I can plug their phone in for them to recharge it. Sometimes I feel more like a concierge than a dj.
The look an the little dogs face while peering out of the gym bag
was pretty priceless.
She also requested "some 1970's funky soul" in euro-trash broken english
while the Wild Magnolias was being blasted to a full floor.
I had a really tall azn/amrkn girl request "dap walk" about 10 years
ago at a little lounge gig. As this predated any comp of the song,
I always wondered how she knew that one.
Terrible request: a couple of weekends ago: I'm playing some DFA/Kitsune-type stuff, and this girl asked for Rod Stewart. "I don't have any Rod Stewart." Incredulously???"You don't have Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?!" "No. And for the record, no I don't."
Me too - a few months ago. I nearly hugged her. That's the best one that comes to mind for the past little while!
I hardly get requests. When I do, it's for Peter Tosh or Bob Marley as soon as they hear some reggae and James Brown or Sly Stone as soon as they hear soul. But my favourite that is the most recurring is when people ask for a genre that is nothing like what I've been playing for the whole night.
Do you have any Rod Stewart?
now that's the thing that gets me
about the real obvious requests
half the time dude will be
drunk off his ass and will say things
just to make conversation
so, i'll bet you dollars to donuts that
they won't know JB when they hear it.
(a) they'll ask for some JB right when some JB
is playing, or
(b) you could be playing a Joe Tex
record and they
wouldn't know the difference
not to be pompous about it, but sometimes you can
tell when a person wants to hear something
specific vs. generically asking for "some James Brown"
you know it. I am not against playing JB or Sly Stone and if I'm carrying it, I will play it for someone. I like follow-up, so if I do put it on, I'll look for the person, even just to make eye contact and say "here you go!" and half the time, they dont even notice it's on! I know the music is a big part of my life and all, but cripes! JB has a pretty distinct voice! even if it's something you've never heard, you gotta be able to tell it's the artist you asked for! (I actually don't mind requests, probably because I get so few, but my stock answer is "if I have it, I'll play it" and becasue I play with guests - I'll ask them, too)
Pretty sure Dap Walk was out on the Sound of Funk series in the 90s.
Still, this was a small LA city around 1999,
and homegirl looked like your average college student.
I had fantasies that she was some super-digger protege,
with stacks of raer in her dormroom.
Dap Walk is LA related so maybe she was connected.