Creative Tradition (Detroit D/L)

Recently I've been in contact with a Detroit jazz musician who recorded an EP in the '70s called Teenage Widow. During the course of our correspondence he mentioned that he's still writing, playing, and recording music. Out of kindness, he sent me a copy of his latest CD, and asked me to share it with folks who might enjoy it. The album is a mix of spoken word and piano & sax/flute duets with a clear influence coming from the spiritual jazz tradition that was prevalent for a time in Detroit through the 60s/70s. The album was made by grown folks for other grown folks, so you may want to give it a pass if you're representing the breaks/moody loops set.You can download the album via the following file storage links:CREATIVE TRADITION- "DO I HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS?"Do I Have to Live Like - 107.18MBDivShare File - Do I Have to Live Like This_.zipAnyway, please take a listen if you can, and share a kind word about it if you are so inclined. I told Wardell that I would relay your feedback to him. I personally like the album quite well. To my ears, it's a lot more interesting than most of the music I hear on contemporary jazz stations.If you like it enough to purchase a copy, or would simply like me to pass a personal message on to the artist, PM me.Thanks for your time people. Hope you enjoy it!
Track 1
Track 2