Beginner drummer's ?: Kick snare coordination
Los Angeles 3,108 Posts
Since there are quite a few drummers here...When in the first learning stages, what has helped you to learn how to stop making your dominant foot involuntarily kick the bass when you're "not supposed to" (such as a snare). I can do the high-hats and snare, but the kick part feels really awkward.
Sorry electrode.
It's hard. Practice, practice, practice. the best thing I can say it to play along to music so your listening and just playing what they are playing. Plus, use a practice pad and get your snare licks down. When you're not fumbling over your hands you can start getting your feet in order. Plus, realize it's every drummers goal to be fully abadextreous (SP) and most never get there.
- spidey
Good advice, I forgot I used to do that. Also just doing hi hat snare until you can bring the kick in where it goes.
I wish I had a kit of my own because I always just start to figure this shit out when I sit down and play. I think it's all about lifting you hand up instead of hitting down on those notes, right? Shit's so basic but it drives me nuts.
This is the sho'fire:
1. Go slow ('specially when learning beats - even play one beat every 2 seconds)
2. Breathe and don't tense the muscles in your arms
3. Try and get that 'flow' feeling.
4. When you learn a beat - pay more and more attention to the subtleties of the sound of each hit.
5. When you're listening to music - imagine playing the beat - with emphasis on which body part is doing what.
6. Repeat above #9982 times and then you're Neil Peart
This is the best advice yet.
You can't go wrong with 4 count bars. Holmes explained it all right there in slow-mo to get the hang of it.
Here's what I used to teach my step daughter who has no rhythm whatsoever:
Hi hat is every count (1,2,3,4 - repeat)
kick on 1
snare is on 2
kick is on 3
snare is on 4
that's your basic rock beat right there.
Most important (and with most things in general)
Good luck man