Microwave post(sorry) ver 1-2 or 3?

Since the new version is out and as timing has it, I'm trying to buy Microwave... Owners of Microwave which would u buy if u could do it again?Should I wait for if/when ver.2 price drops? Should I get a used box on eBay since most of my friends already have Microwave and i can use there software? should I say F*ck it and get the new version?does the 24bit upgrade really matter if im just playing mp3s at the club?is there a big difference in durability between the 3 boxes?i know this topic is old and annoying but i'd really appreciate some input.Thx so much for your time and suggestions.
1. NS7 - This is what i would buy and have on order.
2. VCI-300 i use this alot and its really brilliant for rolling in and starting a gig in 2 seconds
3. SL3 - No brianer as the other two boxes wont sound as good, well worth the extra cash.