edited April 2009 in Strut Central
what are the pros and cons...and where and how do i get this done ?


  • I got mine done thru a craigslist ad for $20. Overall am super happy with it. Don't have a data plan but have internet whenever there's wifi. Kons are you can't update iTunes once you've sync'd with the phone (so I hear). And I haven't been able to get apps tho I'm pretty sure it is possible.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    This will tell u everything you need to know on how to get down. Just make sure if u have leopard u follow that driver shit.


    Pros: u get to get a video recorder, able to tether your iphone to a laptop so internet wherever u get service u have internet, able to customize your phones display and other cool apps to download.

    Cons: Not really any I can see. All good on this end.

  • It is pretty easy to do, just google iphone jailbreak 3g and a bunch of tutorials and youtube videos will pop up and show you how to do it. It was pretty easy to do.

    I restored mine back to the original setting. I never used any of the jailbreak apps and my iphone seems to be running a lot slower (mostly when I opened up apps, like the camera would take a couple of seconds longer to open up) than when it wasn't jailbroken.

  • btw i have a 2g...does this matter ?

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    btw i have a 2g...does this matter ?
    nope. thats what I have.

  • thanks. i read the linked page, it doesnt tell me if im going to lose the legit apps ive already got...like technobox !

    i just want it for, cut n paste...and nes gaming.
    is there an app that allows you to send and receive pics directly on your iphone...instead of going to some online host ?
    i hate the fact that i have to email ppl to send them pix.
    thats such a wack feature imo.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    i just want it for, cut n paste...

    Cut & paste is coming in the next firmware update. http://www.apple.com/iphone/preview-iphone-os/

    I jailbroke my ipod touch and it was cool, but the legit apps I have on my iphone are better IMO. Anyone know if you can jailbreak the 3G and keep all your apps?

  • i just want it for, cut n paste...

    Cut & paste is coming in the next firmware update. http://www.apple.com/iphone/preview-iphone-os/

    I jailbroke my ipod touch and it was cool, but the legit apps I have on my iphone are better IMO. Anyone know if you can jailbreak the 3G and keep all your apps?

    Although not 100% sure, but I think I remember that all of your regular apps are still there when you jailbreak the phone.

  • Options

    I jailbroke my ipod touch and it was cool, but the legit apps I have on my iphone are better IMO. Anyone know if you can jailbreak the 3G and keep all your apps?


    Also, there are some good sites with cracked legit apps for jailbroken iphones.
    It's a good way to try out some apps before buying.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    I just got my iPhone 3G a few days ago. If I jailbreak it and have problems can I reinstall the OS from scratch? Will I have to pay to download the apps I paid for again?

    There's a TomTom type driving app which I really want but it's not official.

  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
    Anyone done this with their iPod Touch?

    I'm planning on getting an iPhone after the WWDC in June but would rather just try some of it out on my iPod Touch.

  • Jailbroke my 3g. You keep all the paid for apps, contacts, settings etc. Also if you ever choose to revert to the apple standard you keep all your paid for apps but obviously lose the jailbroken apps. I found that when it was jailbroken it became slightly slower and sometimes unstable so I put my iPhone 'back in jail'. The extra apps you can get aren't really worth it IMO. The nes is cool but cos the dpad is on the screen it's pretty hard to control b/w a bit pointless.
    Evryone says jailbreaking is the way forward but personally I'd stick with my celly being in jail.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
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