wack dj's/promoters getting paid

I have to get this off my chest. I'm sitting at work and this guy comes in to get a flyer designed for his new night. I've known him a few years. He's a chubby early 30's white dude with stupid hair & only seems to wear vests. He's a nice enough guy but a complete chump, used to be in a boy band then started djing in commercial clubs playing anything & everything. Now he's an R n B DJ. He has no knowledge or skill that I'm aware of.When your designing a flyer for him he's constantly asking what you think he should do even down to the name of the night, music policy, how much he should charge ...... Dude had a spot 3 nights a week where he took the door money & the club took bar. He only plays of cd's & can't mix but was taking home stupid loot every night. He now has a BMW, a house which is totally paid for & even a fucking boat! All from djing commercial RnB off CD'sI don't mean to sound bitter, like I said he's not a bad bloke but he's just so clueless & I'm sitting here flat broke. It just gets to me, when there's those of us who've been trying to put on good nights for years & barely breaking even. Now where did I put them Usher records??
Damn, sounds like dude is either NOT clueless(ie. he might have a good 'dumb' routine he uses to get info outta folks) or he is really really lucky. And either way, how do you know he makes all his money off DJing? You sure his family doesn't have fat cash? A lot of this stuff is pure huckster bullshit when you get below the surface, a lot of image pushing.
This may not what gets you 'mad respect' on Soulstrut or at the record store, but it seems that many club DJs who make their living DJing rely on this.
c***, turn on your pms
Shit! I didn't know they wuz off!
No believe me he is really that clueless, you'd have to know him to understand. I know he makes the loot because I've been told by people at the club as well as him & it's easy to work out: 400 people x ??5/6 = over ??2000 x 3 times a week with no venue hire fee!!
He must work fairly hard but still!!
He didn't have the knowledge to realise that he wasn't actually any good so he just went for it, struck a good deal with the club at the right time. Played all the popular joints & got lucky.
He's still in the office, driving one of the other designers mad.
It's not Dane Bowers. Although he has been to the club in question.
Doo 400 people come to see HIM? or just to come to that club? SOMEBODY in the equation has some knowledge.
People usually go to a club for a good time and to have their taste validated, at least in the US. They go to class to get knowledge.
Was basically the only place round here playin RnB on those nights. Alot of international students went there . Compared to most of the other places locally a lot of black folks went down, this attracted alot of white girls after some black lovin which in turn attracted more black dudes...
Also RnB seems to be the only music that's workin at clubs these days. Most other things have died off.
And that is the rest of the story.