Looking for Mid 90s Underground Hip Hop Mix
tenacious local 7,783 Posts
Feeling 95-98 Underground Hip Hop lately. Are there any mixes out there that bring the obscure shit?Thanks.
"5 deadly venoms" (tony touch, premo, pf cuttin, mister cee, evil d on the selections)
stretch armstrong "underground railroad"
ron g mixes
also check out the doo wop mixes
the list goes on and on
ha there's a pearl jam tape and a floppy disk in there oh shit!
overwhelming task
Not exactly obscure--I think a lot of people on this board (including me) once owned all these 12"s--but might hit the spot.
Part 1
Part 2
can i use this photo for my next mixtape please?
Anyway, this place should sort you out Raj - http://ittakesanationofmillionstoholdthissac.blogspot.com/search/label/Mixtape
that messy heap reminds me of tasks unfinished.....need to convert!
anyway yeah cool no doubt, just give me a finished copy!
Different Serg, but I thought the same thing too.
I might have a CD-R somewhere of it. If so, i'll upload it.
6 years later, anyone?
Must've been nice.
If that was the benchmark there would be no posts on here ever.
Alright, fuggit....
Posted another one of these in the 'music you're feeling' thread:
Tony Touch Tape 58, 1998:
This dude has a TON of good ones:
Doesn't play out the full songs though, in case that might be an annoyance to some...
I've been going through and converting all the tapes of my college radio show and using this:
Quality is questionable, but then again, so are the source material. At this point just having them digitized is more important to me.
I've looked at some of the conversion services out there, and they are $$$.
i'm currently converting an old ep of The Prophecy (ciut). it was a Formation takeover from the late 90s. Shy Fx and Navigator! DJ SS! Playing Visions-era John B white labels!
i would check out your old show if you share, rockwell!
If you need digital versions you can "buy" them.
That's the best part about tapes - they are all a little bit different. Unless you are copying straight store bought copies which serves no purpose.
Mixtapes, or tapes made off of the radio, or tv, or whatever. Sometimes listening to a mix or something off the radio is as interesting as the music itself.
Not to mention the numerous additional mixes and b-sides they use to throw on CASSINGLES.
Before I bought the player I linked to from amazon above, I didn't even have a cassette deck anymore. Tapes also degrade and break. I've already had to repair one of the recordings of my radio show.
Wow. I wish i had the time to listen to these.