You Weapon ass bitch

hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
edited March 2009 in Strut Central
SO, I used to work in a foster home for kids 13 to 18. It was kind of sad because they didn't get to live like other kids their age--never allowed to do anything alone, over medicated, micro managed, et cetera. But, there was endless comedy in that house. The kids would pick on each other a lot, and there was a very clear pecking order.One day the kid at the bottom of the pecking order is getting hassled by one of the bigger dudes. Bigger dude had recently gotten some books from the library about ancient weapons, and small fry just turns to him, "Fusk you T***! Why don't you leave me alone you weapon ass bitch!"So my question to you all is, do you have any good insult mashups like this, that make no sense, but are nonetheless compelling?


  • I once saw an episode of Cops or something where the cop was trying to get a motorist to calm down and the dude got so frustrated with the cop that he responded:
    "CALM YOU DOWN!" Hilarity!

  • I had a friend who taught at a school here in SF for kids who'd been kicked out of every other public school. She gave her kids an assignment to write about a conflict they'd had with someone else and one of them turned in a paper that described a woman as a "F*ck-nuted [nutted] bitch with shit in the mitle [middle]."

    For some reason, that description has always stuck with me.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Guy in the office once reacted to some baiting by roaring at his tormenter, "NO BRAIN f*cking GOAT BOY".

    The 'no brain' has been lost over time but the soubriquet Goatboy has stuck fast.
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