MP3 Request: Beastie's "Get It Together."
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J.Period's Q-Tip mix made me realize I haven't heard this song in waaaay too long.Thanks in advance!
take it to the breaks has it mistaken
i been tooketh it there
I know how this place can be. I mean, "it's great to be here"..."I wouldn't change a thing" and I'm definitely not trying to "cramp your style," but if "you got what I need" than "give it up or turn it loose!" 320, don't matter, just "gimme what you got" or "keep your distance!"
If you needed it I'd "give it to you!" "T plays it cool" at times, but "I've been watching you." Don't make me turn this "street talk" into a "gangster boogie" and "blow your head." 'Cause if you wanna take it there, then I "got to be real" with it. But I just want this "good ol' music" so I can have some "peace of mind," you know? I don't wanna worry about "looking out my window" in a "cold sweat" watchin' for fools "sneakin' in the back" on "the big payback" tip. Seriously..."think about it."
"I believe in music" and "I believe in miracles" and most importantly, I believe in SoulStrut.
"You don't know how much I love you," but after this..."I'm gonna love you just a little bit more baby!"