Nothing Tops
155 Posts
getting laid off and then sitting around all day downloading Japanese psych while eating chocolate pudding in bed
- spidey
- spidey
so you tell me then, what's new in Jappsych game??
Not new or hot and it's more of a psych backing. But I was just listening to some Asakawa Maki.
I now feel like I can become pure sunshine!
hahaha yesss. Jello devil's food layered with the dark chocolate then the light brown chocolate then the dark chocolate....
Almost as good as leftie japanese heavy noise feedback w/ dreamy melodies and violent tendencies...
Not so tragic since there's some decent ice cream.
Although it sucks that most Ben & Jerry's flavors come with some sort of cake crumbs or nuts. White Chocolate Raspbery Truffle by H??agen Dasz is my current fave.
Um, idk why I left....
just up to other things i guess?
This head cold is killing me....
Yeah i read that too. That actually would be the best day ever.
thats cos is said "getting laid" and then directly under that it read "pudding in bed"....... many a man/woman's ultimate perhaps??!!
Gettin laid (off).......
pudding in bed.
BATMON take note: that's directed at you.
Now that's the good life.
So, so good.
You know, I've had that on my ipod for months now and haven't really gotten that excited about it. It's no Apryl Fool. Maybe I need to give it another listen?
Are we both talking about "A Path Through Haze"?
I appreciate it because it has a lot of dimensions and nice orchestration. Loads of low-key woodwinds, bang bang drums and feedback, has kept me relistening. I also like the long passages with just stripped down orchestral backing.
Plus, the sound of the bass is incredible on "A Bottle of Codeine"
Good album for red wine and painkillers (I joke... or do I?)
Yeah, same album. I DLl'd it off here actually, on that psych thread that was up awhile back....maybe I should give it another listen. Bottle of Codeine is def good, maybe just not pretty and melodious enough for my tastes....I'll try it again...with red wine..... : )
You're the one listening to Rallizes Denudes!
I haven't really heard much japanese psych that fits those criterias. Yugoslavia and/or Turkey is where it's at for me for the melodious psych
Ima check out your clip tomorrow, can't listen while uptight roomie is sleepin....thanks tho, can't wait to hear : )
melting glass box ( clip rip)
: )