Poop Tracks

Say you're taking a crap at a friends house. After you flush, you realize there are some poop tracks at the bottom of the bowl. Do you try to cover your tracks or do you leave your mark for the next unexpecting bathroom visitor ?
Best way to prevent this is to lay down TP in the bowl--before you draw in it.
Yeah I use the toilet brush here at work.
We got one of these environmentally friendly low flush toilet that almost ALWAYS leaves poop tracks.
I never use it because I never know I'm leaving tracks until after I do it.
But yeah, toilet brush or whatever's handy.
most people?
Mo' water in yo diet will make that doo-doo slip-slide away.
seriously. That's what toilets are for. Besides gives you something to aim at the next time you go.
If what I have heard is true, the industrial work crapers use less water then the home additions.
Have you ever flushed while sitting on one? Not a good look for the tushie.
Sayin'. Talk about about sucking down "junk."