Anybody here ever fainted??

BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
edited January 2009 in Strut Central
I fainted at the hospital yesterday during my chemo. First time in my life. Shit was crazy. All of a sudden I started to sweat, then my vision started to blur, and pretty soon it was lights out. It took close to 20 seconds to revive me. My mom, of course, freaked out, and the nurse said she was 2 seconds away from pulling the plug on my IV and ringing the alarm like Tenor Saw. Anybody else ever faint?


  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Not like that I haven't!

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    shit was scary yo! I ain't been right since.

  • sorry to hear about that. It's scary.

    My grandma had hand surgery recently. I had to drive her to get the stitches cleaned up and the bandage removed. Either my grandma or the doctor asked me if that kind of stuff made me feel funny and I said no, because normally it doesn't. For some reason when I saw her hand and saw him cleaning it up I just got all flushed. I started feeling like I was going to faint. Everything went black and I was sweating bullets. My entire body was soaking. I couldn't see anything, but was embarrassed and felt around for a chair that I knew was nearby. It all happened so fast too.

  • I have a problem giving blood...just blood in general actually. ha. I don't faint...but, i get mad woosie, sometimes I almost black out if I stand up too quick coming out of a bath, or spa...

    hope you are feeling better though homie! get some sugar in your system...mmm..delicious sugar

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    When I was about 6 or 7, my cousin talked me into making me black out. I stood with my back to the wall while he pressed hard on my chest. Shit was weird. I'm a dumm ass for doing that shit.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    About 6 years a go I got food poisoning and passed out while taking a shit! I awoke in the bath tub with my pants around my ankles and feces smeared everywhere.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Post pics or you're soft!

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    The first and only time I???ve fully fainted was quite recently when I had a blood test at work. My test was the last of the morning and I hadn???t eaten for about 16 hours. I have a history of not being good with blood when I was little, but thought I had come to grips with it by this time and I figured the test would be no big deal.

    They sat me down, stuck the needle in my arm and the whole time I was looking the other way, trying not to think about it. Things were fine until I stood up and caught a glance of the 2 containers full of blood. The test was held in a big conference room and I was at the opposite end to the door, as I started to walk my temperature rapidly rose and I felt that ever so awkward feeling of being light headed and my vision started to blur. I thought if I grab a complementary orange juice it might stabilise me so I walk into the nearby kitchen down it quickly and try to make it to the lifts to get outside and get some fresh air.

    As soon as I reached the centre of the hallway my vision went completely blank I remember someone coming up to and asking if I was alright??????.

    ???..then suddenly I wake up slumped next to the corridor wall surrounded by the doctor and nurses and whole bunch of other people. This was the meeting room level of the building and it was just on the hour so everybody was either coming out or going to meetings. It took me about 30 seconds to realise what was going on.

    Fainting was like being in deep sleep, I was dreaming about something simple like my bed and then BANG I wake up in a hallway at work, in my office clothes surrounded by people. It???s the strangest feeling.

    As I fell I bit a big hole through my lip and experienced some mild concussion. I fainted once more after they sat me down.

    As you can imagine I was massively embarrassed, but at least I got the afternoon off from work.

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    Raj gets a pass on that because it's his website...

    I fainted once when I was 17 after some all night raver binge. I remember being out in the street, smoking, maybe drinking, and I think even trying to play frisbee or something. For a few seconds my vision felt like I was going through an eclipse and then I remember the ground coming at the side of my face and doing some sort of stumble to break my fall and then people saying woah are you OK?

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    Once during an AIDS test. I guess I was really nervous after f*cking so many skanks raw dog as a teenager and in my very early 20s, that I was really nervous during the interview questions, and really nervous while they took my blood. I never had a problem giving blood before, did that shit a million times. Maybe it was the fact that I was scurred of having AIDS, or maybe because I only had a bagel that morning, and no lunch, I don't know, but I passed out right after giving my blood. I remember hearing someone scream to get a doctor, blackness, and then smelling this awful shit they put under my nose. They gave me a bagel, and told me to lie down for 10 minutes.

    Ever since then, I am f*cking traumatized every time i give blood. I insist I lay down for like 5 minutes after my blood is taken, just in case. Scarred for life!

    P.S. Slightly off topic, but I was so nervous that I developed a mild fever that night while waiting for the results. The mind is a powerful f*cking thing man. And thankfully the next day, the results were fine, and I cried like a bitch out of joy.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I had a spell that lasted a few years after fainting off of too many mushrooms from Thailand once that had me fainting over all sorts of stuff, inlcuding mescaline, some mystery pill that a friend gave me thinking it was some sort of downer, a doctor giving me a shot one time, and even just watching the movie Trainspotting.

    Fortunately, the condition seems to have passed long ago.

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    I had a spell that lasted a few years after fainting off of too many mushrooms from Thailand once that had me fainting over all sorts of stuff, inlcuding mescaline, some mystery pill that a friend gave me thinking it was some sort of downer, a doctor giving me a shot one time, and even just watching the movie Trainspotting.

    Fortunately, the condition seems to have passed long ago.

    Wow, see my above post when I mention catching a mild fever. That's all mental. It is crazy how powerful your mind is.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I've only almost fainted.

    Once when my first son was born. That shit was major! My sister in-law had to tell me to sit down after she saw my head moving in a circle like a cartoon.

    The other time was when I saw Herm naked. Ay dios mio!

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

    The other time was when I saw Herm naked. Ay dios mio!

    I told you not to squint so hard.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts

    The other time was when I saw Herm naked. Ay dios mio!

    I told you not to squint so hard.

    If this happened at the same party as RAJ's story then this website just got a lot more interesting...

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I had a spell that lasted a few years after fainting off of too many mushrooms from Thailand once that had me fainting over all sorts of stuff, inlcuding mescaline, some mystery pill that a friend gave me thinking it was some sort of downer, a doctor giving me a shot one time, and even just watching the movie Trainspotting.

    Fortunately, the condition seems to have passed long ago.

    Wow, see my above post when I mention catching a mild fever. That's all mental. It is crazy how powerful your mind is.

    Yep, I agree. I was stuck in that shit for awhile. I couldn't even watch needles being injected on tv...which was weird as hell because my problem started with mushrooms, not injecting anything. I never really understood the connection. Obviously, it was all drug-related activity...but I kept eliminating things from my repertoire to the point that just seeing people getting fucked up on a movie screen would flip me out?

    Seriously, that one mushroom trip must of stuck with me one way or another for about 5 years. I had done plenty of mushrooms before that one time without any problems whatsoever. But I guess I had never done mushrooms from Thailand. I ate 2 grams at once during the day and was just hanging out at my house with a couple of friends. I had just broken up with a longtime girlfriend and I guess I was in a transitory emotional state. Anyway, at a certain point the buzz just became too much for me at this point when I was talking to my friend in the frontyard. At least, it was too much for me to continue to stand and conversate.

    So I calmly just sprawled out on my back on the frontlawn under a big tree. My friend didn't even think anything of it. And boy, was I cool. I don't think I've ever been so relaxed in my life. I was not only up in the tree, but I was the tree. Then the phone rang inside my house...and for whatever reason, I sprng up out of my relaxed state, ran about 5 strides towards the door, then collapsed on a tale on the front patio. My friend and his grilfriend had to snap me out it. It scared the hell out of them. I recovered alright and was seemingly alright for the rest of that day, but that shit had long-lasting effects that were not cool at all.

    But yeah, that was a loooong time ago.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    I had blood work done once and i didnt faint. either i came close to fainting or had a really bad panic attack. after the blood work was done i stood up and then they said it was time for me to take the EKG. i just pictured wires hooked up to my chest and i grabbed my coat and remember getting really nauseous and sweaty and mumbling asking them where to put my jacket.

    i stumbled into the other room and laid down on the examining table. i was fine after that!

  • I have twice. Once when i was about 15. I cut my finger, tasted the blood and went down for the count.

    Second time was about 2years ago (have issues with my blood levels....usually inexplicably low. Was getting ready to hit up my doc, running round the house, hit the bathroom to brush my teeth and the exact same thing happened. Got the sweats, head spinning, vision blurred then keeled over. luckily there was a plastic stool behind me and it stopped me from cracking my head. Ef-ed up my toe pretty bad too as i went backwards...thought i'd busted it.

    my cousin had a lot of bad reactions to the chemo and i'm pretty sure it used to happen a bit to her also!! But in the end she pulled through and has been close to 20years in remission....which i have no doubt you will be too!! Don't forget to take it easy and rest up!!

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I have twice. Once when i was about 15. I cut my finger, tasted the blood and went down for the count.

    Second time was about 2years ago (have issues with my blood levels....usually inexplicably low. Was getting ready to hit up my doc, running round the house, hit the bathroom to brush my teeth and the exact same thing happened. Got the sweats, head spinning, vision blurred then keeled over. luckily there was a plastic stool behind me and it stopped me from cracking my head. Ef-ed up my toe pretty bad too as i went backwards...thought i'd busted it.

    my cousin had a lot of bad reactions to the chemo and i'm pretty sure it used to happen a bit to her also!! But in the end she pulled through and has been close to 20years in remission....which i have no doubt you will be too!! Don't forget to take it easy and rest up!!

    what about when my poster arrived in the mail?

  • I have twice. Once when i was about 15. I cut my finger, tasted the blood and went down for the count.

    Second time was about 2years ago (have issues with my blood levels....usually inexplicably low. Was getting ready to hit up my doc, running round the house, hit the bathroom to brush my teeth and the exact same thing happened. Got the sweats, head spinning, vision blurred then keeled over. luckily there was a plastic stool behind me and it stopped me from cracking my head. Ef-ed up my toe pretty bad too as i went backwards...thought i'd busted it.

    my cousin had a lot of bad reactions to the chemo and i'm pretty sure it used to happen a bit to her also!! But in the end she pulled through and has been close to 20years in remission....which i have no doubt you will be too!! Don't forget to take it easy and rest up!!

    what about when my poster arrived in the mail?

    Oh you!!
    HIIIIIII-LARIOUS you are batmon!!

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    I fainted when I got my tonky touched by a tranny.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I fainted when I got my tonky touched by a tranny.

  • I fainted when I got my tonky touched by a tranny.

    Lets just hope you didn't wake up walking like a cowwwwwwwwwwboy!!

  • JimsterJimster 6,982 Posts
    Passed out in Dublin a few years ago. I blamed it on drinking a few pints of Guinness in a short space of time beforehand, on a fairly empty stomach, because I felt a bit rough leaving the bar to head into town on the tram.

    I was stood up at the time, as the tram was packed when we boarded. Just before my stop came, I got the sweats and nausea, went to blissful sleep, woke up seconds later and my mate had grabbed me in a bear hug to stop me keeling over. Everyone looking at me with disdain like I was drunk out of my skull. I also farted like a skunk, apparently...

    Got off the tram, went in to a pub and had a full-fat Coke with extra sugar to get me going again. Didn't really work, walked to the restaurant, ordered, couldn't face the food (which I love) when it arrived and spent the rest of the night evacuating both ends in the cubicle.

    Didn't feel 100% for months after, although no repeats, just general light-headedness bordering on nausea. Got some blood tests done, had slightly high cholesterol and impaired liver function. Doc said don't eat shit no more and drink less. Both test normal now.

    Have more or less stuck with it since.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    The only time I fainted that wasn't drug related was at the Night Owl Record show a few years back. Void and I had been dating a little over a year and it was our first time doing the show together.

    I remember standing by myself against a wall looking at a big group of friends a few yards away at a table smoking and talking. I started to feel really weird Hot, Dizzy, Nauseous. I motioned to Void to come over to me and told him I thought I was going to faint. He sat me down and it was lights out. I guess I fell into him and started the whole "Fishin" twitchin' thing. He said I was pale as a ghost and out for just a few seconds. Had all those really LONNNNNNNGGGGG impossible dreams that seem like hours and are only seconds, that shit is so weird. In some ways I think he was more freaked than I was. That is the only time, I think I was just stressed out and funny that it was a record related fainting spell.

    The double vision episode I had this past summer worried me so much I thought I would get dizzy and pass out just from that. I still don't know why that happened but MRI's came back normal and there was never any diagnosed reason. It only happened once again after within 2 weeks of the first episode and hasn't since so who knows? Obviously not the Neurologist. I hope to not experience either ever again.

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    About 6 years a go I got food poisoning and passed out while taking a shit! I awoke in the bath tub with my pants around my ankles and feces smeared everywhere.


    not everything must be admitted into evidence!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Twice, both times as a teenager.

    I had not eaten all day and it was very hot weather. Was on my way home on the rushhour bus from walking around all day when I began to feel really strange; I thought about asking for someone???s seat, but didn???t. My vision began to go dark around the corners and the last thing I remember was my hand on the steel pole. Next thing, I heard voices ???stop the bus, stop the bus??? and I???m on the floor with someone lifitng me up and the first thing I wondered is if I flashed everyone because I was wearing a dress. I got put on a seat, told to put my head between my knees, got a concerned yelling-at by some older lady. The driver who looked exactly like Sammy Hagar, hair and all, was very nice and asked if I wanted an ambulance and to take my time and all that. Got home, got another yelling at by my Mom and ate a popsicle til dinner was ready.

    The second time I had all these blood tests and like a fool went back to school to write a math test I could not miss. Again on public transit, we get to the station, everyone gets off, I get up and I guess fell right back into my seat. I open my eyes, the bus driver looks pissed more than anything ??? lol ??? and I basically got up and got off. At school, the math teacher took one look at me and sent me home.

  • never


    My thoughts are with choo BreakSelf - stay strong!

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Mine was mushroom-related too. I was at the movies with some friends and we had taken some mushrooms a little while before, then smoked in the parking lot right before going in. We were going to see Rumble In The Bronx. I was walking toward the pay phone in the corner to call my Mom and tell her I wouldn't be home for dinner, and halfway there, I got lightheaded, vision went black, and that was that. I came to a few seconds later on my back with my friend Woody trying to help me up. My entire body was soaked with sweat. I mean, I've never sweated that much in my life, and it all came out in the span of a few seconds. Woody and I bailed on the movie and he drove me around for a couple of hours while I tried to get my head together. I definitely didn't feel completely right again for several days.

    And I've still never seen Rumble In The Bronx.
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