mexico city ahora

SyminSymin 999 Posts
edited January 2009 in Strut Central
im here now wondering what you all think is good. i got here on the 31. did the new years thing. im here till the 10th looking for what is what. record spots, food spots, night spots, interesting stuff, and if anyone knows how i can go see a football game.i searched and couldnt find a previous mexico city post. if there is one, please throw down a link.buenos


  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    Here's the only potential useful quote from a previous thread:

    There's one across the street from the Bellas Artes.

    There's a dude who sells off of the street on Balderas just south of the park.

    There are a few book shops that may still have records north east of the Bellas Artes. Ask around.

    Try the markets too.

    Let me know what you find, I'll be there in March on business with a few days to kill.

  • Go to PapaBeto Jazz Bistro. That's my pop's club off Reforma.

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    So, any new news for me? I leave tomorrow... I'm excited.
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