a href="http://www.kosherham.com/?Click=954" target="_blank"1Seriosuly, I can picture a few of you lil' dudesFaux Rillz rocking these while gripping and flipping./a1
I've been into some wack shit in my life, but never "funny" t-shirts. b, 21b, 21I especially love the WW__D shirts how they have to have a picture AND write out what it stands for. I thought these things were supposed to be all college kid in-jokey. Why do they have to spell it out?
Ok I guess you're right, last time I knew people who wore these type of t-shirts (juvenile-related) that was pretty much all AE, Hollister, Abercrombie, etc. etc. etc. sold. Now they've moved on to exclusively Affliction/UFC-dude designs and BRAND LOGO ONLY. I'm img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/game02vy9.gif" alt="" 21
here's my one "funny" shirt that i own...b, 21b, 21img src="http://www.elimin8.net/flix/8mq3n_rambisho.JPG"1b, 21b, 21mainly stays in the trunk for when i go to the gym or play teh layup ball
I used to print T-shirts at various places in Germany and the US many years ago and it was painful to see that the most idiotic "fun shirts" always sold best.b, 21b, 21Then, of course, there are shirts that nobody buys and that often end up in the 3rd world... while in Africa, I witnessed many crosscultural accidents, especially what english T-shirt slogans in French speaking countries are concerned. Best example was a BAC officer (Brigade Anti Criminel -super scary special police in Guinea that basically get paid to beat up thieves and to intimidate people). They are the lowest on the ladder of a notoriously underpaid police force and survive by extorting bribes. They even have to buy their own uniforms which consist of black army pants and black shirts. I saw one of those guys wearing a black T-shirt that read in bold white letters "ON DRUGS". He was probably just being honest.