IWF backs down on Scorpions album cover
671 Posts
Skell, what up with your homeland?b, 21b, 21The Internet Watch Foundation/a1 (IWF) which is tasked with protecting Britons from child pornography on the intertubes has reconsidered it's censorship the Scorpion's album cover for Virgin Killer/a1 on Wikipedia. b, 21b, 21Evidently the Streisand Effect/a1 opened their eyes to the fact that their suppression of the album cover was actually spreading it around more than ignoring it.b, 21b, 21Here is the slashdot entry on this: b, 21IWF Backs Down On Wiki Censorship/a1b, 21b, 21Here are some of my favorite quotes from this story:b, 21b, 21"The [Streisand Effect] is related to John Gilmore's observation that 'The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.'" ~~ Streisand Effect Wiki Entryb, 21b, 21"...Most people seem to have assumed this was because the album cover artwork on the Wikipedia page [wikipedia.org] included an image of a naked girl, but the reality is that IWF only wanted to protect children from the horrors of having to listen to anything released by the Scorpions." ~~Slashdot posterb, 21b, 21"{quote}The Internet Watch Foundation, guardians of the Great Firewall of Britain...{/quote}b, 21Wouldn't that be "Hadrian's Firewall" in this case?" ~~ Another slashdot poster