need some microwave help please
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so I'm playing at a club weeks ago with another DJ and my external HD is plugged into his nice Mac laptop... we are trading off sets and things are going great.b, 21then right at peak as we switch from him to me, I go to cue a song and S.erato locks up.b, 21song keeps playing, but we are beachballed/pinwheeled/SPODed...b, 21b, 21anyways, we reboot and S.erato isn't recognizing most of his library and my HD isn't showing up at all.b, 21unplug my HD and reboot again. Finally, it recognizes his full library and he DJ's most of the rest of the night.b, 21b, 21He's never had problems like that before (runs all his music off his internal HD) and I believe him.b, 21b, 21However, I've never had problems like that using my external on my computer (a much older Mac) and I've played the song that I cued before and I tested it at home after and everything worked fine.b, 21b, 21I use the Lacie Rugged and have been very happy with it.b, 21b, 21HELP!