F*ck YOU NEW ZEALAND: child abuse related
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Today is a sad sad day for my country.b, 21b, 21how the neighbours stood by i will never know. This story had me in tears.b, 21b, 21Child murder case shocks NZ courtb, 21b, 21Two New Zealand men have been convicted of murdering a three-year old girl, after months of torturing the child.b, 21b, 21Wiremu Curtis, 19, and his brother Michael, 22, face life sentences for the murder of Nia Glassie.b, 21b, 21Nia died of brain injuries in hospital on 3 August 2007, two weeks after suffering fatal kicks to her head.b, 21b, 21The judge in the four-week trial, Judith Potter, wept as she delivered the sentence and thanked similarly shaken jurors for coping with the case.b, 21b, 21 b, 21That they didn't speak out in time is something family members and neighbours will have to live withb, 21Cindy Kirob, 21Children's commissionerb, 21Nia's mother, Lisa Kuka, 35, who was in a relationship with Michael Curtis, was found guilty of manslaughter for failing to protect her child.b, 21b, 21Nia's cousin Michael Pearson, 20, and Michael Curtis's partner Oriwa Kemp, 18, were found not guilt of manslaughter but were found guilty of child cruelty charges in the complex case.b, 21b, 21New Zealand's Children's Commissioner Cindy Kiro told local media that there had been some consolation for the toddler's tragic death in the fact that justice had been served.b, 21b, 21Catalogue of abuseb, 21b, 21The court heard details of horrific abuse inflicted on the three-year old:b, 21# She had been kicked, beaten, slapped, jumped on and held over a burning fireb, 21b, 21# She had been put into a clothes dryer spinning at top heatb, 21b, 21# Wrestling moves copied from a computer game had been practised on herb, 21b, 21# She had been folded into a sofa and sat on, shoved into piles of rubbish, dragged through a sandpit half naked, flung against a wall and dropped from a height onto the floorb, 21b, 21# And she had been whirled rapidly on an outdoor rotary clothes line until she was thrown off.b, 21b, 21At one point, she was left lying unconscious for 36 hours without medical attention.b, 21b, 21'Wider guilt'b, 21b, 21Neighbours who saw some of the abuse have told reporters they will live with the guilt of not having informed the authorities sooner.b, 21b, 21Court officials said they had been shocked at how some witnesses found the level of violence in the home to be normal.b, 21b, 21Prosecutor Fletcher Pilditch said investigators could find no obvious motive for the abuse other than bullying.b, 21b, 21"She was bullied in the worst kind of way. She was singled out, for what reason we do not know," he said.b, 21b, 21"Both family members and neighbours were aware of the neglect and abuse Nia was subject to," Children's Commissioner Ms Kiro said in a statement.b, 21b, 21"That they didn't speak out in time is something they will have to live with."b, 21b, 21Click here to see the faces of these two tough guys and the mother that watched it all: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10543756/a1