Is it wrong to kill people?



  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21Planting a knife on the dude may be going a bit far and will probably only hurt your caseb, 21b, 21h, 21
    b, 21b, 21Specially if they don't find his fingerprints on the droor where the knives are kept.

  • they only reason i would kill someone would be cuz i loved them too much. b, 21b, 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/646.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/oj.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/1203.gif" alt="" 21

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21/font1Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21Planting a knife on the dude may be going a bit far and will probably only hurt your caseb, 21b, 21h, 21
    b, 21b, 21Specially if they don't find his fingerprints on the droor where the knives are kept. b, 21b, 21h, 21b, 21b, 21who the F*ck said it was my knife? I've never seen that knife before officer. b, 21b, 21b, 21Another cop who has a kid that goes to school with my stepson told me to carry concealed even without my permit. It's legal in the car here without it but not once you step out. b, 21b, 21His words to me were "I'd rather catch the bullshit petty misdemeanor charge and be prepared than not, go ahead and carry" b, 21b, 21yes that's right, carrying concealed without a permit in New Mexico is a petty misdemeanor.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I don't have a gun but I would pee on that person. Because freaky deakyness aside, nobody likes getting peed on.

  • Do you guys have a lot of home invasions in your neighborhood?b, 21b, 21Everyone's all, "if someone breaks into my house..."b, 21b, 21I've had my house or apartment robbed 4 times since I was born and I think that's a lot... and I do think about buying a gun but not because of home break-ins. 99.9999% of burglars want to break in when you're *not* there.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    There's been an increase in home invasions and meth-related home invasions. I've definitely considered purchasing a gun because of both.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21I don't have a gun but I would pee on that person. Because freaky deakyness aside, nobody likes getting peed on. b, 21b, 21h, 21
    b, 21b, 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/841.gif" alt="" 21b, 21b, 21How do feel about feeding the suspect some sh*t?

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21/font1Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21I don't have a gun but I would pee on that person. Because freaky deakyness aside, nobody likes getting peed on. b, 21b, 21h, 21
    b, 21b, 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/841.gif" alt="" 21b, 21b, 21How do feel about feeding the suspect some sh*t? b, 21b, 21h, 21b, 21b, 21;in_page_id=2/a1b, 21b, 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bucs.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/talib-doodoo.gif" alt="" 21

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21Like let's say dude was going to rob your house and you were uncertain that the legally owned firearm you possess would kill or simply wound this person. Would you still bust?b, 21b, 21What if someone was going to kill you? b, 21b, 21h, 21
    b, 21b, 21You sound American

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    Quote:/font1h, 21b, 21 I do think about buying a gun b, 21b, 21h, 21
    b, 21b, 21Having the piece under the bed is find and dandy, but when shitt hits the fan and dude is breaking and entering, are you going to pull the trigger, in the heat of the moment your heart starts racing.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    The question is, would you rather have it and not need it, or need it and not have it? Who knows what anyone would do in that situation, but if it came down to protecting my family I would want to have that option.
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