White House Basement
42 Posts
so usually i stay up late to listen to Coast to Coast. For those not familiar, its a talk radio show that focuses primarily on the supernatural realm but occasionally they also talk about aliens, illuminati, shadow people, religion, politics etc....b, 21Anyways about 2 nights ago they had a guy on who's an expert on white house ghosts and history. The Guy (forgot his name) has interviewed extensively everyone who has worked in the white house presently and also has interviewed and done q&a's with past presidents and i believe even dubya.b, 21George Noory the host of coast to coast brought up the supposed legend about the black ghost cat that appears occasionally to people in the white house basement.b, 21According to white house legend and myth whenever this black ghost cat shows itself it means bad luck for the person who sees it and bad things for the country. Lincoln apparently had seen it before the death of his son.b,121b,121Several white house staff have reported seeing the phantom cat over the past 9 years....and its believed that even bush has seen it himself.b,121b,121Maybe this can partially explain the turmoil this country has been in for the past 8 years?b,121Maybe the phantom cat is also a bad omen as what is to come in the near future?b,121b,121Maybe the cat signifys that Mccain will win?b,121b,121I hope not!b, 21b, 21b,121Peace and love