OZ (HBO related) should I keep watching?

Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
edited October 2008 in Strut Central
I've watched 3 episodes so far. Should I continue? b,121b,121It's fun to see actors I recognize, but other than that I am not totally drawn into it and the show seems a little dated. I also had some moments where I was questioning the authenticity of the show. Like "why are some prisoners in prison clothes and some are in plain clothes?" and "would they really serve prisoners shiskabobs?" Seriously, shiskabobs with wooden skewers in prison. That seems like a pretty blatant oversight to me. b,121b,121What is the deal with the spinning cell?b,121b,121Should I continue?


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Yeah, I tried to get into this show a while ago but after a full DVD's worth I was pretty tired of it. There are some likable elements but on the whole it's kinda retarded.

  • I liked the show a lot (I've seen every episode when they aired) but if you didn't like any of the three episodes you saw then you probably wouldn't like the rest of them. Starting from the beginning is best to get a sense of the characters, but the end of season 1 and most of season 2 is very boring if I remember right.

  • i liked this version...b,121div1b,121b1Seinfeld in Oz[/b]b,121Uploaded by renzo433/div1

  • Ryan LOL'Riley @ HCrink watching "Oz".

  • probably one of my favorite shows. definitely worth watching all the dvds. i must admit -- the show does feel a little dated to me after not seeing them since they originally aired -- a lot of the scenes with augustus are a little b,121b,121also: i think they get better with each season, until the end of the last season -- it gets a little crazy in the got-to-kill-off-every-character-quickly sort of way. the final episode doesn't sit will with me either.

  • Essential viewing if you are potentially going to do some time. You can really learn alot about making weapons from toothbrushes, bedsprings,crushed glass in food etc b,121b,121 A pretty hardcore show that i must admit I watched a lot of when it was first aired. Worth following through at a slow pace rather than watching it all at once. It is amazing how desentized to violence you can become

  • I've got the first season dvd right now, but I'm not all that excited to commit to 6 seasons. Maybe I'll just take it slow. I get them from the library, so I am in no rush. I just checked the hbo site and it would be cool to see how some of those newer characters/actors end up in the show, but I keep thinking I would have enjoyed it more if I watched it in 1997 and not 2008 (after having been spoiled by the wire and the sopranos).

  • kicks79kicks79 1,334 Posts
    Its a great show. But as mentioned the earlier episodes seem to have dated some what.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121Ryan LOL'Riley @ HCrink watching "Oz". b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121It must have been during that one week when you were unavailable to advise me on all things urban.
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