I think my/parents house burned down (SFV fires-R)

ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,096 Posts
edited October 2008 in Strut Central
I may be the only frequent poster who lives up here in the foothill outskirts of L.A. and is affected by this, but there is an intentionally set (according to preliminary investigation) wildfire burning in the Sylmar area that's only 20% contained. At 6 in the morning, I had to evacuate the house where I live and grab everything. I got a bulk majority of my collection of about 500 (rares, irreplaceable obscurities and common staples), rare movie collection, books, laptop, clothes, amp, DVD player, parts of my drum kit and assorted portables which are in my car. I just want to let everyone who I periodically meet at the swaps and whatnot that I'm fine, but I will mostly be out of touch while I pick up the pieces. I'm at work right now, but I shudder to think what I'll find when I get back.


  • Damn dude. Stay strong and if you need help moving anything or really just help with anything pm - i'm off the 110.

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts
    i was in venice yesterday and the wind was blowing out to the ocean. i heard about the fire watching the dodgers/philles game then sure enough later could smell this campfire aromab,121damn that sucks

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    I hope that everything turns out as best as possible for you.

  • damn...sorry homie. Hopefully you have a safe return to a as-was-before house and you did all that scramble in vein......

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121I hope that everything turns out as best as possible for you.
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Damn, this sucks. Hope you and your family are OK, dude.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121I hope that everything turns out as best as possible for you.
    font class="post"1
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Good luck, man...that is some rough stuff.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Good luck dude - hope everything works out ok.

  • MurdockMurdock 542 Posts
    Some people at my work have been evacuated. I wish you and you family well.p1b,121b,121/font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121later could smell this campfire aroma
    font class="post"1b,121b,121 The smoke is even stronger now. My eyes are burning and my sinus' are closing up.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    f*ckin' arsonists man. I hope you and family's home holds up. I have a friend who was so close to having her home burn down. To be exact, homes on both sides burned during the SD fires. Give us an update man.

  • Good luck, man. I'm sorry to hear. I hope your house makes it.

  • My girl & I got caught on the massively gridlocked 101 for FOUR HOURS going from L.A. to Ventura today, and ran into blockaded roads when we tried to take the 118 as an alternate route. We could see the fire & smoke and it wasn't pretty. Stay strong Electrode.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Holy shit. I hope everyone out there makes it through ok. Electrode, you and your family are in my thoughts tonight. Let me know if there's anything I can do.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,096 Posts
    I appreciate the kind words and the couple of phone calls. Fortunately, for us at least, because of the direction of the wind and the slope of the foothills where I live, the wall of fire on both sides did nothing. If both were 180 degrees opposite face, we would have been screwed. There's also a golf course, water park and a few other water sources near by that allowed the firefighters to buy some time. About 8 I got the news that everything was alright. I snuck past the cop cars blocking most of the main roads and made it home along with the other neighbors now that the fire tapered off in Sylmar. There were a lot of long soot patches on some of the houses' paint work and there was a bunch of charred armadillos, possums and even a coyote scattered on the side roads. Other than that, surprisingly, there were minimal losses. Here are some pictures...b,121b,121img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v472/clavinet27/sylmarfire1.jpg"1b,121img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v472/clavinet27/sylmarfire2.jpg"1b,121img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v472/clavinet27/sylmarfire3.jpg"1b,121b,121Again, thanks. I normally don't like to make "things look shitty for me" posts, but damn, if that didn't keep me on my toes.b,121b,121Oh yeah, I met a SS lurker by chance at a local record store a couple of years ago. He live(s/ed) in Porter Ranch, where the shit has really hit the fan, it seems. I forgot your screen name, but let us know how you're doing, if you're reading this.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Those are some scary ass pictures.

  • Damn. Hope you and your family are/stay safe.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Glad your home is okay! But damn if those flames aren't close!!!! Horrified and trembling if that were my home, but somehow I'm always in awe of these spectacles (earthquakes, hurricanes).
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