OBAMARAMA tonight DJs Amir, Fox 50, LoveOnTheRun..

Yes this is the main forum, but F*ck it, I'm going to take the risk!b,121b,121img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_422_p-CTTSg/SOlY7T18w5I/AAAAAAAAAIA/YqtNowzEKts/s320/Obamarama_01.jpg"1b,121b,121The party takes place TONIGHT, Friday, October 10th, at Socialista on Jane Street and the West Side Highway (circa Meat Packing District). No cover to get in, as profits from the drinks will go to the Obama Campaign. So the drunker you get, the better the chance to get Obama into office!b,121b,121EYE OF THE TIGER BEAT JUGGLES BY:b,121Amirb,121Love On The Runb,121Fox 50b,121Osoreb,121b,121Doors open at 10pm, see you there, and please pass this information forward.