Do I want my energy blocks released?

mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
edited October 2008 in Strut Central
Is it me or has there been no discussion of this banner ad?b,121b,121img src=,121b,121DISCUSS.


  • there HAS been mention of this in one of the other threads.b,121b,121a proper "discussion," no.b,121b,121I'm weirded out that Steven Tyler is doing this, though. does dude really need the money?

  • MurdockMurdock 542 Posts
    I think I'll have my colon ublocked first.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    graemlin waiting to happen

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121there HAS been mention of this in one of the other threads.
    b,121a proper "discussion," no.
    b,121I'm weirded out that Steven Tyler is doing this, though. does dude really need the money?
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121b,121Haha..I thought it was Steven Tyler, too!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    "By accessing your unique Akashic Records, Leslee Jo Klinsky can identify and release blocks to your self-knowledge, purpose, prosperity, growth, or sense of oneness with the God Source. She can also see into addictive patterns, the whys of self-defeating behaviors and relationships, the whys of negative habitual responses, and effective ways to create alignment and action in life. But Leslee goes far beyond this ability, being in no way ordinary. What makes her Akashic Records consultations most special are her gifts to see, feel, and clear energy blocks as she retrieves information for you. Once an energy block is neutralized, removed, released, one is free from the bondage of that block, able to live from a clearer, lighter, and Higher place. Every Akashic Records consultation with Leslee is unique and of the Light."b,121b,121Every time I see "Akashic Records," I think she's talking about a label.

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    breaking permanent atoms

  • here is my summary of the akashic records:b,121records (sometimes referred to as a library) basically, that can be accessed by someone (potentially anyone) who is able to expand their awareness to the highest state of being that a human being, can "non-physically" exist in; The mind of god, ketheric level, 7th level of the auric field etc....within this level of existance, when your "consciousness" is raised in "frequency vibration" and held there, access to all events of the universe from this "now" moment backwards to the beginning of the universe, at any level of existance (this is important because in this school of thought, the majority of the beings which exist in the universe are non-physical), can be 'accessed'b,121b,121other than as a "natural" gift, which may be important to an individual for a specific reason relative to their life's purpose in their current incarnation, or drug use: potential uncontrollable access as a result of hallucinogenics like mushrooms or LSD, b,121b,121an individual has to be at a "certain level" of development on their "path" (which unfolds over multiple lifetimes) of spiritual purification, access to the akashic records is then granted by non-physical spiritual beings which surround the particular individual, who, in this case, would have to be at a very high level of awareness, spiritually, and would only be granted if it were of benefit to the overall plan that is in order for humanity, after passing certain "tests" that they would then deem this individual worthy of operating at this level.b,121b,121here to, following this way of thinking, it would be a "psychic ability" that in the overall picture wouldn't really matter unless it were to assist other humans with the best interests in mind, because here it is assumed they are aware that humans are really "infinite beings which exists multidimensionally" and wouldn't make much difference since one lifetime, or all of them, in the context that the "human experience"b,121is a "schoolroom for the soul", that is basically "elementary school" at best, and is a pretty small period of time compared to the overall picture of the soul's total existence which, in this train of thought, is: infinity, which is a very very very long time, the soul moves on to higher and higher states of being.b,121b,121not saying any of this is real, or unreal, just what some believe.b,121b,121bing bang boom.

  • I had an extra large cup of hot coffee this morning, after which I released several "energy blocks"...

  • /font1
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121I had an extra large cup of hot coffee this morning, after which I released several "energy blocks"...
    font class="post"1b,121comedy

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    font class="small"1Quote:
    b,121I had an extra large cup of hot coffee this morning, after which I released several "energy blocks"...
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sscg.gif" alt="" 21

  • this smells eerily like dianetics.
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