It's Time To Talk About The End Of The World Rap

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited September 2008 in Strut Central
Some fear that when the Hadron Collider is turned on Wednesday in Switzerland it will set the end of the world into motion.....they even made a rap song so you won't mind dying so much.... by the end of the video you'll be begging to be killed.b,121b,121


  • So if the world ended would anyone know?b,121I guess it depends on your beliefs.b,121As I'm without religion I guess i would experience nothingness. Sounds kinda cool really. Bring that shit on!

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    If I disappear into a blackhole, I'll be pissed.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Disaster, chaos and turmoil b,121Feel the heat increase as you boil b,121Droppin impacts, like hot wax you melt b,121Cards are dealt, now my wrath is felt b,121So witness the holocaust, then as you fall you're lost b,121Thrown off course, too late for remorse b,121Damage renegs, all controversy b,121Face your doom, now you scream for mercy b,121Erase your thoughts, you can't be reborn b,121It's no turnin back, when you're dead you're gone b,121And now your soul belongs to me b,121Sentenced to dwell in hell to eternity b,121Streets overflow in oceans of blood b,121And all disbelief is nipped in a bud b,121Cause in the lab I design b,121The most powerful shit ever known to mankind b,121So try your hardest, it don't matter what you do b,121Nothin can stop Daddy U b,121So send for the army, navy, marines b,121National guard, crews, posses and teams b,121Those who come near disappear in a suction b,121Cause whenever I come it's Mass Destruction

  • PABLOPABLO 1,921 Posts
    I wonder how much Stephen Hawking charged them for that chorus.b,121Wayne figures no doubt.

  • a href="" target="_blank"1,121b,121damn, this is pretty crazy, they are just going ahead and doing it knowing what will happen if it works.b,121b,121there was a lawsuit to stop it that hasn;t been filed

  • this is one of the silliest things i've ever heard about.

  • The scientists behind it are ridiculing all the doom-sayers, but they use words like 'should' and 'probably' when talking about what this thing can do. The fact is they don't really know what it's capable of, only what is likely. They think the black holes it can create will only be small. That makes me feel better. Plus the fact that it was built by humans means the potential for mistakes is huge...

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,155 Posts
    It won't do shit. I'm more scared of world leaders obsessed with "maybe, kind-of-sort-of, tinkering with the idea of possibly using nukes for peace keeping purposes". And even then, you'll be dust before you knew what hit you.

  • The black holes are going to be the size of protons, and black holes also eventually disintegrate. So the tiny proton sized black holes they can create will only last about a second. And this machine is supposed to be weaker than weak, when compared to the type of things that we are surrounded by in our natural space anyways. b,121b,121This is where I don't remember much, but I read something about some sort of cosmic rays that hit earth everyday, that don't do anything to us, and yet are much more powerful than the little experiment they are trying.b,121b,121Mass hysteria, yo.

  • img src=""1 b,121b,121 a href="" target="_blank"1National Geographic had a good article about it a few months back.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
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