Jetta doods [car-r]
2,190 Posts
okay, so i know there's a bunch of you independent free-thinkers on here that own Apple computers and drive VW's. well i've been a part of this culture for a year now since the purchase of my '97 Jetta [bleh]. i had to replace the wheelbearings soon after i got it before i left DC and its been good to me since. now though i need to throw some new rotors and pads up on the front, and would like to replace the shocks & stuff since they're going out. so here's the deal, do i need any of these so called "special tools" i hear about to replace said parts?b,121b,121i've replaced engines, full suspensions, ect on my previous Nissan's over the years so i know what i'm doing for the most part. i just don't want to have the whip up on the lift and find out i need "something crazy i don't even know about." plaese halp. b,121b,121b,121p.s.b,121i hate lookin at car forums.b,121b,121p.p.s.b,121i think i might sell it.