


  • Quote:h,121b,121Richard Simmonsb,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121I'm not for this as a general rule, but...b,121b,121BAN!

  • Quote:h,121b,121
    Quote:h,121b,121Richard Simmonsb,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121I'm not for this as a general rule, but...b,121b,121BAN! b,121b,121h,121

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Quote:h,121b,121Richard Simmonsb,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121I'm not for this as a general rule, but...b,121b,121BAN! b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/game.gif" alt="" 21

  • Quote:h,121b,121
    Quote:h,121b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    I don't know what's funnier, McCain's facial expression or the fact that Palin is licking her lips. b,121b,121h,121

  • did anyone hear the patriotic country rock mcain track after his speech...too funny

  • Quote:h,121b,121did anyone hear the patriotic country rock mcain track after his speech...too funny b,121b,121h,121
    img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/talib-doodoo.gif" alt="" 21

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    Quote:h,121b,121How can someone become a candidate despite being a convicted war criminal who has spent time in prison? b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121Dude I'm no McCain supporter but you might wanna slow your roll on that one. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121Why is that?b,121He's bombed and killed women and children. He got cought and put in a prison camp.b,121How can he then be anything else but a convicted war criminal who's been to prison? b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121McCain's military history isn't my area of expertise, but as far as I know he wasn't ever convicted of war crimes by an international tribunal. He acted as part of the military during wartime and was put in a prison camp by the enemy. Using your logic, every country could declare half of their own wartime soldiers "war criminals" simply because they participated in a conflict that had civilian casualties. I'm a pacifist and wouldn't call McCain a war hero based on what I know, but come on dude. b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121I was being sarcastic (to a certain degree) but okay, I'll play along:b,121b,121He did admitt to knowingly dropping bombs on civilian targets.b,121There was a piece on this issue in the Village Voice a while back and as far as I remember, they referred to an interview he did on 60 minutes a while back.b,121The US involvement in Vietnam was a criminal act.b,121I have absolutely no sympathy for any career soldier (as in being a soldier without having been drafted) who died there or ended up in prison camps. It's what they signed up for and what they got paid for.b,121My grandfather was always whining about how hard it was to sit in a russian prison camp for 4 years. Tough titty, that's what you get for being a nazi, for (in his case voluntarily) signing up with the Wehrmacht and for marching into Russia. Not only in his case it was a shame they finally did release himm. First thing he did after returning was to dig up "Mein Kampf" that Grandma had burried in the garden and put it back in the bookshelf.b,121b,121You go to a country halfway around the world that does not pose any threat to your people and dump napalm onto women and children, you're a war criminal in my book. International tribunal or not.b,121b,121If you say "I hate gooks", you're obviously a raving racist on top of everything.b,121If then you say "oh, I only meant my captors and torturers" that would make you a racist war criminal without a spine. The man is pure scum that's all.

  • Quote:h,121b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    b,121b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/green30sv.gif" alt="" 21b,121b,121if only literally!!ahahahhahahhahahhahhaaha, joking, but once again, noice work!!
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