Been on a seventeen year weed binge.
1,209 Posts
should i buy my buddys used volcano for 250? he paid close to 6 for it.i think i should, help me soulstrut, you're my only hope!!!
Does anyone smoke with a vaporizer on the reg here tho? I feel like i'd be unfulfilled.
New jack.
gimme a break, i started late at 15!
1. Buy an ounce of low grade weed
2. Buy a small coffee grinder
3. Grind up the ounce of low grade weed
4. Take 2 teaspoons of the powdered weed and place into a microwave safe glass bowl
5. Add cooking oil (canola or olive is the healthiest). Experiment with the amount of oil, but for you beginners I recommend about 4 ounces
6. Open every window in the house
7. Cook the oil/weed mixture for about 5-6 minutes
8. Add 2-3 teaspoons of the cooked oil to your favorite drink (beer, whiskey, gin, apple juice, etc..)
9. Put on your favorite record and later thank me for the recipe
hows this with the tea, its gots to be good? I might have to try it.
can you catch a contact from cooking it??
thats and this girl tried cooking a while back (10 years ago) and we were off our rockers before the brownies even cooled
It actually works with practically anything: tea, apple sauce, yogurt. The only thing for someone trying it the first time, start with just a small amount. Also it can take about an hour before the high comes on, its a lot different than a smoke high. A smoke high is very heady, but when you ingest THC its a like a body and head high and it also lasts longer. One time I got stoned around 6 or 7 in the evening, I woke up the next morning and still had a slight buzz. It was incredible.
I've never actually got a contact from it, but then again I cook mine the basement with the windows open and the fan blowing. Also I've built up a crazy tolerance, I need to take a month off. In fact I'm thinking of doing a fast, a month with no food, just tea and juices. I'm trying to get into the health thing.
I should probably quit though. It's basically my prozac, but what's worse? I should be dead by now anyway.
The truth.
I love it when some come back with the "I don't need it, I just enjoy it, it makes a good day even better" palaver.