Exactly WHY has The Hulk been remade?

DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
edited May 2008 in Strut Central
I mean, the first version was crappy - just way too cartoonish with bad CGI.But this new remake looks just as bad. So why would a great actor like Ed Norton sign up for this? And why remake and repeat the same story? The first one was made in 2003 so 99% of people are going to know this right?


  • Not so much a "REMAKE" as it is now trendy in HWood to "RELAUNCH" franchises.

    Yeah, the Ang Lee version wasn't THAT bad, but the CGI sucked (corny looking). Was he fighting mutated poodles? Oy.

    I liked the "comic book" feel of his direction. Moving scenes like comic panels.

    This new one looks doo-doo too.

    The town is infested with these right now. I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    It's the same story? I didn't see the last one and I won't see this one but I guess I assumed it was a different plotline...

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts

    The town is infested with these right now. I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

    I definitely take #2 and possible #4, k thnx bai.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    I liked the "comic book" feel of his direction. Moving scenes like comic panels.

    I liked that too, it worked well. Shame it was the best thing about the entire movie.
    Well, that and when he throws that tank.

  • I liked the "comic book" feel of his direction. Moving scenes like comic panels.

    I liked that too, it worked well. Shame it was the best thing about the entire movie.
    Well, that and when he throws that tank.


    When he phucks up that tank, if you listen hard enough - you get a half hearted pussy breathed "HULK SMASH".

  • The town is infested with these right now. I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

    I definitely take #2 and possible #4, k thnx bai.

    The deuce is of them "dancing girls" from the Dancing with famous people show.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts

    The town is infested with these right now. I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

    I definitely take #2 and possible #4, k thnx bai.

    #4 is a definitely...#2 is a possible

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    The town is infested with these right now. I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

    I definitely take #2 and possible #4, k thnx bai.

    #4 is a definitely...#2 is a possible

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    Word? yeah I won't lie everytime that shit is on t.v. i'm always like "damn! those girls have some fit-as-fuck bodies!". I wonder if DJ Day with his strong ballet background ever got to twirl some of those breezies around.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts

    The town is infested with these right now. I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

    Point some in my direction!!

    - spidey

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts

    The town is infested with these right now. I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

    I definitely take #2 and possible #4, k thnx bai.

    #4 is a definitely...#2 is a possible

    They all look like trouble to me.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts

    The town is infested with these right now. I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

    I definitely take #2 and possible #4, k thnx bai.

    #4 is a definitely...#2 is a possible

    They all look like trouble to me.

    The best kind of trouble.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts

    The town is infested with these right now. I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

    I definitely take #2 and possible #4, k thnx bai.

    #4 is a definitely...#2 is a possible

    They all look like trouble to me.

    The best kind of trouble.

    Sure enough.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    this thread took an unexpected yet very excellent turn

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Hulk was wack. But i cant complain w/ Marvel's new attempt.

    Good call on the Comic style presentation of the last one.
    Too much Banner and not enuff HULK WILL SMASH. The father backstory was trash.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    Hulk was wack. But i cant complain w/ Marvel's new attempt.

    Good call on the Comic style presentation of the last one.
    Too much Banner and not enuff HULK WILL SMASH. The father backstory was trash.

    And ill take one number 2.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I have no idea why but I ain't mad.

    No Thanks.

    Dude, make a correlation. I dare you.
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