You Can get Sued For Leaving Feedback on Ebay!!!
1,836 Posts this story is Funny!!!! Just watch how the reporter does this guy at the end.
Jesse is soft for not naming Mr NC.
Dude is doing it because of the new eBay policy that
doesn't allow sellers to leave negative feedback for buyers?
Whatever happened to that "take that shit to" graemlin?
Over in Vancouver Washington a guy has custom wheels stolen. He looks for a new set on ebay, and low and behold, there are his wheels being sold by a guy down the street from him. He makes sure to win the bid. Arranges to pick them up in person. Arranges to have the police come along. Cops are putting the seller in the back of the car and he is yelling to the winning bidder "please don't give me negative feedback, I've got a 100% rating!".
The Plaintiff's name, as listed in the caption, seems to be "Charles Burgess."
Says his name like BOO-YAA! NAILED THAT SHIT!
If feel bad for the "old Tom Petty" looking dude.
You talking about how Jesse Jones says his own name? If so, that's pretty mild compared to how he usually does it. Literally every story he does, he totally over emphasizes his own name at the end of the story. Cracks me up everytime.