YouTube highly technical question
Anyone know how to get a link to the original MP4 source file for YouTube videos?I am not talking about the embed code that appears on video pages. That code embeds the video into YouTube's Flash video player.I want to know how to load a (straight un-embedded) video link into my own Flash video player via an XML file.
have you ever hit up the download youtube sites?
I was trying to avoid reading the entire API.
I feel you on that, but if it's possible, the answer is in there somewhere.
Agreed, but it is Friday and I'm feeling lazy enough to not want to read technical documentation. While I would love to have some third party software that'd grab video for me, this is for work, so the legit route is the safest route.
Well, you can dl any video thats on google video straight to MP4. Maybe what you're looking for is on there?
Just a suggestion.
What we're trying to do is utilize YouTube's free video hosting and display video (uploaded to YouTube by site users) on a client's site. We've created a Flash video player that stylistically matches the client's site. So we'd like to load the video into our player.
So why do you need an mp4? Wouldn't you be able to stream the flv from Youtube's server?
Yeah, my bad. I meant FLV. I'd found a resource that allows you to download YouTube video in MP4 format and had that on the brain when I posted.
At any rate, reading the API is necessary.
But I was just asked to start on another aspect of the site which will happily get me through the rest of the day.
Bruh... lol
There's a bettertube (I think) is a pretty good greasemonkey script that puts a download link on every youtube/google video page.
2. Download Download Helper