The only place where I found records in Lisbon, other than the few record shops in the "Barrio Alto" area (Discole??ao is the best one), was the so called "Feira da Ladra", the local flea market. Maybe also worth a quick look are the many 2nd hand book shops you will find in almost every corner. They sometimes stock records too. The best diggin place by far was a small record shop I found by chance somewhere near one of the main squares (I saw a sign at the entrance of a building). There were tons of vinyl sorted in big piles. I found some raers in there despite the indications of the freaky character who runs the business... Records are not priced, so you better show no signs of knowledge or excitement if you find some gemm, or the owner will put the price up inmediately. I don??t keep the adress of this shop but you will surely find it when hanging around the central commercial area of Lisbon. Good luck!
there is supposed to be a HUGE record store near the praca de commercio or whatever its name is. near the water. very downtown. harbor area. the yellow pages said that they have 200,000 records. i couldn't go there though... yellow pages or tourist information. the touris information hooked me up with a 4 star hotel for only 25 euros a night. they rebuild the whole place and we could stay at an already finished suite for cheap! good times!
Some dude from Portugal came into the shop about a month or two ago and said he just opened a record shop in there...he bought about 5 grand worth of records from us and had us ship them...mind boggling the postage costs on 360 Lbs of records! Ill try and find the invoice for the name of the shop, although I think the shipping address was just his name...
I'm going to Lisbon next week....any recommended record shops, flee markets etc.? I'm going to visit some portugese friends so if you know the street address I should find the place quite easily with the help of them. All help will be greatly appreciated.
Grope: Do you have any additional (or new) info about that mega record store?
The Hook Up: Could you hook me up (no pun intended) with the address for the record shop of the guy that bought all these records?
The best diggin place by far was a small record shop I found by chance somewhere near one of the main squares (I saw a sign at the entrance of a building). There were tons of vinyl sorted in big piles. I found some raers in there despite the indications of the freaky character who runs the business... Records are not priced, so you better show no signs of knowledge or excitement if you find some gemm, or the owner will put the price up inmediately. I don??t keep the adress of this shop but you will surely find it when hanging around the central commercial area of Lisbon.
Good luck!
Grope: Do you have any additional (or new) info about that mega record store?
The Hook Up: Could you hook me up (no pun intended) with the address for the record shop of the guy that bought all these records?
Discolec????o: record store for vinyl collectors in Cal??ada do Duque
Louie Louie: Rua Nova do Trindade, 8, in Chiado
Grope and The_Hook_Up: got more info about the shops?