SS set sale sellers (fuc!< ebayR)

Dear SS set sale sellers, Can you please stop listing all your grippables on ebay? will you just price them and sell them via the set sale forum?? I hate using ebay for several reasons, and set sales on here seem to go REALLY fast when theyre quality lps so sellers please think about us lil dudes who dont wanna use ebay.. thanks.peace.p.s. my local record store closed so yeah its totally on you now..
Another point that was brought up was the discussion about 100 to 500 dollar records being sold. People just aren't gripping them on these boards, so once again many just bypass the set sale thing and head to ebay.
It's fun!
Best place to move terds!!
Last week, I know what you're talking about. Dude, had a copy of OV wright for cheap (hint conditon) and some other nice things. I missed that one, fast hands grip.
Yeah, this is one thing that irks me - I wish people would at least
have to put "eBay" in the heading if it's just an eBay link ... I hate
when the heading is "Rare Soul LP's For Sale!" and you click on it to
just find a link to 10-day eBay auctions. Every once in a while somebody
will post an eBay link that interests me, but 99% of the time I'm only
looking at the sales forum to check for set sales.
I hate when the heading is "Rare Soul LP's For Sale!" and you click on it to
just find a link to 10-day eBay auctions.
When I have money to spend,thats when I fiend for a set sale.
When I'm broke all the good shit gets sold on SS!!
I like how this sounds.
It's the problem with living in a dif. time zone.
i've grumbled to myself aboutthis many a time. especially with the pricing on the setsales here and on waxidermy still being about a million times cheaper than buying the records here in the UK!!!
Plastic Wax < Set Sales x 1,000,000 + 1
What's your point?
I was just trying to explain why eBay dealers aren't generally going to offer the cream of their crop on a message board. If you are trying to sell one or two or ten in demand records at a time set sales are great. If you have 50 or 100 or 500 to sell and you want respectable prices for mediocre shit like Dennis Coffey fried chicken panties and one-tracker high school band bonerz then you need to run it on a list with shit like Roy Ayers He's Coming, etc.
plastic wax is the shining beacon in an otherwise fairly shite bristol record shopping experience.
I always preferred Prime Cuts. Plastic Wax is only good when the soul dude is there and you can go look out the back. I never found much in the shop, and they have piles of crap to wade through. Was I missing out?
I have to have a special point? I don't really, beyond what I said: I was just trying to explain why ebay doesn't always work best, especially for people who aren't ebay dealers, the same type of people I assume you're referring for most of your post e.g. these dudes with the skull snaps and modern record who you are suggesting are the guilty parties when it comes to whinging about ebay. It's not always people who 'don't want a bidding war' from the buying end: sometimes from the selling end its easier to go straight ahead with a set sale rather than risk the hoped for war turning out to be a minor skirmish.
Whereas on ebay, if I've got a list of 100 items, 90 of them will sell and I will make 4k.
I like to do set sales for a short list of items that I think people will want but I do not like "thinning" out my ebay stash to cherry pick for the message board lists - it makes the auction list a lot less strong.
Also for what it's worth I have had less and less success selling records for the prices I want on these set sales... if something's priced very cheap it's going to fly but I'm not really interested in selling records for 25-50% less than I can otherwise get.
I like doing these set sales but as a seller I kind of resent being told that I need to be doing them instead of ebay. Fuck that shit.
i've pulled loads more great stuff out the front than the back -- as the sou ldude knows what verythings worth - but loads of stuff slips through the gabs out the front.
im trying to think of some examples now.....
pink fairies albums for ??2. some killer libraries for a fiver a pop. amon duul albums for ??4. more vinyl vulture classics in the ??1 & ??2 bins than you can shake a stick at. its fun going through all the crap as it's got a really high turnover rate.
prime cuts is cool - but prices are high with not so much turnover ... moog indigo on the wall for ??60 for about 3 years
Occasional bargains though...
agreed...I think it comes down to
A) will the people on here pay the prices for the cherry stuff that you want
B) will you lose out money on ebay because those key things aren't there...
example, I'm doing a 45 auction coming a M- copy of "Theme From Black Belt Jones" do I offer it on here, and put a price that is what I would get off of ebay...or do I put on ebay and hope that it goes buck wild (as sometimes happens), and in turn that the attention that record brings helps to get the records around it to sell for more....
the probelm I see is do get the quick money off of setsale...but, is it what you could get? and how much may you have lost because of not having that with the other records....I'm just using this as an example...believe me the theme from black belt is not the crown jewel of my auctions...haha...
you have to look at it from the seller viewpoint...not the guy who likes records, and shit like that....we're talking record dealers...which is the logic behind johnny's very salient points...what up johnny! me and my girl want to come back out soon...will bring trades next time
My luck with set sales has been dismal. My very first sale I did alright but lately...Nope and the good stuff I have I trade or sale when I'm checking out record shows.