R.I.P B Boy Frosty Freeze



  • HawkeyeHawkeye 899 Posts
    My man told me he was sick and that it didn't look good

    In 2002 I was hanging out with Kurtis Blow for a Interview we did over the night. He drove me through the city to diffrent locations. One was a Bronx school gymhall.

    I came into the hall and there was this dude on the wheels of steel backspinning 12".

    The way he moved his body and his hands while backspinnig reminded me on a dude I had seen 8 years earlier on German music TV.

    This dude was Grandwizard Theodore.

    Now for the guys in NY its nothing special, but to a kid from Germany which follows the culture for so long this was very special.

    When I turned around Kurtis introduced me to a man who was extremly skinny looking.

    He said to me "This is Frosty Freeze from the Rock Steady Crew"

    Holy shit !!!!!

    I watched the RSC when I was a kid on TV, these dudes where my heros when I was a dancer back in the 80s.

    He looked not very healthy even back than, but it was a honour for me to meet him.

    R.I.P. Frosty Freeze


  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts

    it's odd though that they haven't disclosed the illness he had anywhere.

    AIDS-related complications.

    And contrary to Spidey, I think it IS important to talk about the illness.

    Buckle up and use a condom folks.

  • so sad.

  • spcspc 534 Posts
    That's Frickin' sad when you see such a hiphop icon dying and realize that you never have the oportunity to meet them and talk to them.

  • RisingsonRisingson 696 Posts
    I'll always remember him in Style Wars

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